Earthquake in Croatia – olvasásértés friss hírekkel

A múlt heti olaszországi földrengés után a héten kétszer is földrengést érzékeltek Horvátországban, melyből a mai rengést Magyarországon is sok helyen érzékelték. Erről a hírről olvashattok két rövid cikket.

The Croatian earthquake seriously rocked Hungary as well

Today around lunchtime a more than 6 magnitude earthquake rocked Croatia which could be felt in several parts of Hungary as well. So far there have been no reports about injuries in Hungary.

The Mediterranean country already suffered a little less powerful quake yesterday. The earthquake of today, however, was even detected in several districts of Budapest. People reported that chandeliers were swinging in Józsefváros, water in glasses started moving in Erzsébetváros and in Ferencváros the top of a Christmas tree was swinging several centimetres to the sides. The vibration lasted 15-20 seconds. writes that their colleagues staying at several corners of Budapest also reported the same; tables are said to have been moving in an apartment under the Castle and even on a public square people could feel the vibration. Facebook was immediately flooded by several comments of people reporting their experience. Meanwhile, Konkoly Observatory has received several messages on how the Croatian earthquake’s effects were felt throughout the whole of Transdanubia.

“It was horrifying in Pécs. We could already feel it yesterday, but today it was terrifying.“ Someone reported that first he thought he was nauseous, but in a couple of seconds, the chandelier started moving, and the Christmas tree started shaking. Several people said they even heard rumblings.

Moreover, apart from Transdanubia, even Eger and Szeged were touched by a lighter aftershock. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, referring to the Observatory, summarized everything in an announcement: “On December 29, 2020, at 12:19 pm, an earthquake of 6.3 magnitude hit Croatia 5kms deep. The epicentre is around 42km southeast of Zagreb, roughly 100 kms from the Hungarian border. After the main quake, several aftershocks can be foreseen, some of them might be stronger. The earthquake was felt in several parts of Hungary as well. So far, the vibration has caused smaller material damages in Baranya county, but no physical injury has been reported. “Croatia last suffered an earthquake back in March 2020.

source: Daily News Hungary

Croatia earthquake: At least six dead in 6.4-magnitude tremor south-east of Zagreb

A deadly 6.4-magnitude earthquake has hit Croatia, killing at least six people and causing severe damage to the town of Petrinja south-east of the capital Zagreb.

The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (ECMS) said the quake hit at 12.30 (CET), with an epicentre 46 kilometres southeast of Zagreb.

At least six people, a 12-year-old girl and five men, were killed in the tremor. At least six people were seriously injured and 20 people slightly injured, the Interior Ministry said.

The quake caused widespread damage, collapsing roofs and building facades in Petrinja, home to 20,000 people.

“The biggest part of central Petrinja is in a red zone which means that most of the buildings are not usable,” Plenković said.

He said the army has 500 places ready in barracks to house people, while others will be accommodated in nearby hotels and other available places.

The shock waves from the earthquake were felt in neighbouring countries Bosnia and Serbia, and as far away as Graz in southern Austria, according to reports by the Austria Press Agency.

The same area was struck by a smaller 5.2 magnitude earthquake on Monday, causing only minor material damage, and several aftershocks were still being felt Tuesday.

The tremor comes just hours after the premier had surveyed the damage in Petrinja caused by the first quake on Monday.

While en route back to the region, Plenković tweeted the country had “mobilised all available services to help people and clear the destroyed parts”.

“The most important thing now is to save human lives,” he added.

Earlier this year, the Zagreb area was hit by a strong earthquake that caused substantial damage. One person died in the quake on March 22 and at least 27 others were injured.

As the Balkans region sits on a fault line, earthquakes are common in Croatia but are not usually big ones. The last strong quake struck in the 1990s when the picturesque Adriatic coast village of Ston was destroyed.

Croatian seismologist Kresimir Kuk described the earthquake as “extremely strong,” far stronger than another one that hit Zagreb and nearby areas in the spring.

He warned people to keep out of potentially shaky, old buildings and to move to the newer areas of the city because of the aftershocks.

source (news and picture): euronews


earthquake földrengés
to rock rengeni
magnitude nagyság
to detect észlelni
districts kerületek
chandeliers csillárok
to swing kilengeni
to flood elárasztani
Observatory obszervatórium
throughout mindenütt
horrifying szörnyű/
terrifying félelmetes/
nauseous émelyítő
rumblings morajlások/
to summarize összefoglalni
announcement bejelentés/
epicentre epicentrum
roughly körülbelül/
aftershocks utórengések
foreseen megjósolt/
előre sejtett
several számos
material damages anyagi károk
injury sérülés
tremor remegés/
severe súlyos


the Interior Ministry Belügyminisztérium
widespread széles körben elterjedt
to collapse összeomlik/összedől
roofs tetők
facades homlokzatok
army hadsereg
barracks laktanyák
available elérhető
shock waves lökéshullámok
to strike – struckstruck lecsapni (természeti katasztrófa)
minor kicsi
premier első
to survey felmérni/
en route úton valahová
to mobilise mozgósítani
substantial jelentős/
fault line törésvonal
common gyakori
picturesque festői (szépségű)
to warn figyelmeztetni
to keep out of távol maradni valamitől
shaky ingatag/

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