5 Perc Angol – Boldog születésnapot, Vilmos herceg! – szókincs

Ma ünnepli 40. születésnapját Vilmos herceg családja körében. Életének néhány fontos eseményéről olvashattok a következő cikkben.

Prince William celebrates his 40th birthday on 21st June.

It marks a significant milestone for the future king, who is rapidly stamping his authority on the British royal family by plotting a course between tradition and modernity.

Not long ago he spoke of his desire to end homelessness in the UK after taking to the streets of London to sell The Big Issue.

“I was 11 when I first visited a homeless shelter with my mother, who in her own inimitable style was determined to shine a light on an overlooked, misunderstood problem,” he wrote.

The prince also shared a photograph on Father’s Day of him laughing with his children during a family holiday in Jordan, yet another shift from the more formal images in which the royals are usually feature.

“It’s a very important milestone for him because, with his father Prince Charles, he’s stepping up to support the queen, and also to continue to create an identity as the future king,” royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams has told AFP.

Such is Prince William’s popularity that many want him to leapfrog his father and become king when his grandmother dies.

Since the 96-year-old sovereign began winding down her duties due to ill health and old age last year, second-in-line to the throne Prince William has been an increasingly influential figure.

The prince accompanied his father when the queen missed the State Opening of Parliament in May.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are “the monarchy’s future, that was underlined at the balcony appearance at the end of the jubilee” celebrations to mark the queen’s record-breaking 70-year reign, Mr Fitzwilliams said.

The duke’s time has been devoted to the family since giving up his role as a helicopter ambulance pilot in 2017.

Significantly, he is expected to move out of London’s Kensington Palace and into a four-bedroom cottage, described as modest, on the grounds of the queen’s Windsor Castle home west of London where she spends most of her time.

The move will allow him to be closer to the queen and strengthen his role in the family’s inner sanctum, commentators say.

While he is becoming more committed to his royal duties, he is also determined to provide a normal life for his three children.

This is partly driven by his own childhood, which was marked by the trauma of his parents’ public separation and divorce, and the death of his mother Princess Diana in a car accident in 1997 when he was only 15.

His mother’s influence is evident in his more modern outlook, which led to him breaking with the traditions of royal fathers, getting his hands dirty with nappy changing and helping the older two children with homework.

The prince is also keen to carry on his mother’s legacy of helping society’s most vulnerable members, hence The Big Issue connection.

Prince William was “moulded” by the “traditional queen” during Sunday lunches at Windsor when he was studying at the elite Eton College nearby, said Marc Roche, author of several books on the British monarchy.

But “among William’s assets, there is … perhaps due to the influence of his mother, a great sensitivity to diversity and the environment”, Roche said.

But Prince William recognises the need to modernise the age-old institution to enable it to survive after Elizabeth II.

“One of the things that William is particularly concerned with is the image of the monarchy and how it moves forward,” Mr Fitzwilliams said.

source: Prince William turns 40 with enhanced role in UK royal family by Paul Carey, The National News UK


to mark a significant milestone kijelölni egy jelentős mérföldkövet
to stamp his authority on tekintélyének lenyomatát hagyni
to plot a course kijelölni az irányt
desire to vágyakozás valamire
homelessness hajléktalanság
homeless shelter hajléktalan szálló
inimitable utánozhatatlan
determined elszánt, eltökélt
overlooked figyelmen kívül hagyott
misunderstood félreértett
to shift from valamiről történő elmozdulás
to step up közbelépni, cselekedni
identity identitás, önazonosság
to leapfrog átugrani, megelőzni
sovereign uralkodó
to wind down duties fokozatosan abbahagyni a feladatait
due to valami miatt
to accompany kísérni
to underline kiemelni, hangsúlyozni
devoted odaadó
to give up a role feladni, abbahagyni egy szerepet
significantly jelentősen
cottage vidéki ház
modest szerény
on the grounds of valaminek a területén
to strengthen megerősíteni
inner sanctum belső szentély
to become more committed to elkötelezettebbé válni
to be determined to elszánttá válni
to mark by the trauma egy trauma bélyegzi meg
evident nyilvánvaló
outlook kilátások, jövőbeli helyzet
to break with traditions szakítani a hagyományokkal
nappy changing pelenkázás
legacy örökség
vulnerable sebezhető
hence ezért
connection kapcsolat
assets jó tulajdonságok
sensitivity érzékenység
diversity sokszínűség
to recognise the need felismerni az igényt
to be enable to lehetővé tenni
to be concerned with aggódni valami miatt, foglalkozni valamivel
to move forward előrehaladni

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