Az elveszett pénztárca csodálatos esete


Hogyan került elő az elveszett pénztárca 24 év után? Olvasd el és kiderül:)

Man’s wallet returned after 24 years

A man’s wallet has been handed back to him complete with its entire contents 24 years after he lost it. A man’s wallet has been handed back to him 24 years after he lost it.

Shrivel – as the guy is known on social news and entertainment website Reddit – was stunned to receive a creepy phone call from a man claiming to have discovered his purse, which he lost in 1989 in North Carolina.

He wrote on the website: "I get a phone call. The voice at the other end asks my name and says, ‘You don’t know me but I know your name birthday, height, weight and address.’ Bit of a creepy way of introducing himself, but I figure I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt."

Despitethe unusual call, Shrivel was reunited with the item, which contained its original contents including his old library card and student card.

He said: "It was the only wallet I’ve ever lost in my entire life and I had assumed it was gone forever."

wallet – pénztárca
to be handed back – visszaadva lenni
complete – kompletten, teljesen
entire contents – a teljes tartalma
entertainment – szórakoztatás, szórakoztató
stunned – döbbent
creepy – félelmetes
to clain to have done something – az állítani, hogy csinált valamit
purse – pénztárca
height – magasság
wieght – súly
address – cím 
to introduce oneself – bemutatkozni
benefit – jótékony hatás, haszon
doubt – kétség
despite something – valami ellenére
unusual – szokatlan
to be reunited with – újraegyesítve lenni valamivel/valakivel
item – adat, tétel, cikk, dolog
to contain – tartalmazni
to include – belefoglalni, beleértve
library card – könyvtári tagsági
student card – diákigazolvány
to assume – feltételezni, elfogadni


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