Hamarosan érkezik a Netflixre Meghan Markle, sussexi hercegné új sorozata. Mit gondoltok róla?
This inspiring series, produced by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, reimagines the genre of lifestyle programming, blending practical how-to’s and candid conversation with friends, new and old. Meghan shares personal tips and tricks, embracing playfulness over perfection and highlights how easy it can be to create beauty, even in the unexpected. She and her guests roll up their sleeves in the kitchen, the garden, and beyond, and invite you to do the same.
Guests include: Roy Choi, Mindy Kaling, Alice Waters, with additional acclaimed chefs and special friends
Series Launch Date:
January 15, 2025
Episodes: 8 x 33 minutes
to roll up one’s sleeves
definition: to prepare for hard work:
magyarul: feltűri az ingujját, nekifog valami nehéz munkának, feladatnak
example: There’s a lot of work to do, so roll up your sleeves and get busy. – Sok a tennivaló, úgyhogy tűrd fel az ingujjadat és fogj hozzá!
Watch the trailer and fill the gaps.
- special experiences for friends
- 2. connect with their creativity
- 3. guiding their choices
- 4. importance of love in details
- 5. learning and making mistakes
- 6. joy of friendship
- 7. creating memories together
to reimagine | újragondolni |
genre | műfaj |
lifestyle | életmód |
to blend | keverni, vegyíteni |
to embrace | átölelni, magábafoglalni |
playfulness | játékosság |
to highligth | kiemelni |
to roll up one’s sleeves | felhúzni az ingujjat (nekifogni valaminek) |