ANGOL HÍREK: Hány halat eszik Pesto, az óriás bébi pingvin?

Nézd meg a videót, majd válaszolj az angol szövegértést ellenőrző kérdésekre az interaktív kvíz segítségével.

A massive king penguin chick at an aquarium in Australia is capturing hearts on the internet. Pesto was only born back in January, but that hasn’t stopped him from growing to a whopping 22 kilograms, or 49 pounds. He lives at the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, which says his size is due to factors including genetics, good parenting from his penguin parents, and his diet of about 25 fish per day.

Pesto is expected to slim down when he eventually develops his adult feathers. Pesto’s parents, Tango and Hudson, are seasoned professionals when it comes to raising king penguin chicks. They’re really good at taking turns and putting lots of focus and attention onto baby Pesto.

Now to give you some reference, both Tango and Hudson weigh only about 11 kilos. King penguins incubate their eggs for about 55 days. Pesto hatched back in February, so approaching almost nine months old, Tango and Hudson both are involved in nurturing him for this whole time, as well as the keepers coming in to feed him four times a day. Average parental care for a baby king penguin can span over a year, so we’ve been waiting a very long time to find out Pesto’s gender, and the fact that he’s a boy is super exciting because our last king penguins that hatched were all female.

source: You Tube


to captureelkapni (pillanatot)
to grow nőni
to be expected várható, hogy
to slim down fogyni
to incubate eggstojásokat keltetni
to hatch kikelni
to be involved in részt venni valamiben
to feedetetni
to span over a year egy éven át tartani