A véletlenül lebontott autófeljáró esete


Olvasd el a történetet és kiderül, mit szólt a ház tulaja, amikor arra ért haza, hogy eltűnt az autófeljárója:) 

Builders demolish wrong driveway

Builders demolisheda driveway of a house in Essex, south east England, by mistake after being sent to the wrong address.

The workers tore up the pebble and concrete entrance to Julie Tworogal’s abode in Essex, south east England, after being sent to the wrong address.

Julie arrived back home and assumed the couple’s driveway had been attack by vandals so quickly phoned her husband Christopher.

She is quotedby the Daily Mirror newspaper as saying: "I just wandered around in a daze, then spotted some men working on a driveway a few doors down the road. They said they’d been sent to 82, my house, instead of 110 – then got a text from their boss asking where they were because the real client had called him to say they were not there. They told him they were there and had just dug the drive up. Then they realised they’d been sent to the wrong number."

builder – építőmunkás
to demolish – lerombol
driveway – autófelhajtó
by mistake – véletlenül
to tear up – felszakít, szétszaggat
pebble – kavics
concrete – beton
abode – lakóhely, lakhely
to assume – feltételez, feltes
to be attacked – megtámadva lenni
vandal – huilgán
to be quoted – idézve lenni
to wander around – kószál, mászkál
in a daze – kábultan, zavarodottan
to be spotted – észre véve lenni
instead of – valami helyett
to get a text – smst kapni
client – ügyfél
to dig – ásni
to realise – rájönni

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