Magyarország legszebb helye … legalábbis a brit Mirror szerint!


Egy jól őrzött kincs Sárospatak mellett, ti jártatok már itt? 

Jaw-dropping pictures of mountain pool named as Hungary’s top beauty spot

Take a sneaky peek at this stunning mountain pool rumoured to be Hungary’s best kept secret – we think we can see why. There are a few things guaranteed to take your breath away, but these jaw-dropping scenes surely offer a slice of paradise. This isolated mountain lake nestled by golden autumnal trees and a 210ft rock face is a vision of beauty – so much so, the Hungarians have named it their top beauty spot.

The mountain pool, near the city of Sarospatak in the county of Borsod-Abauj Zemplen, was once a fully-operational mine of soft rock and stone. But it has been open to the public since it closed for business in 1907, when it became a natural lake as rain water trickled down the 1062ft mountain. Visitors can experience the wonder of the 21ft-deep pool by accessing it through a gorge. And that’s just what photographer Robert Nemeti ( did to capture these amazing images.


Go on, take a look and be impressed.

Source: The Mirror

to take a peek at – bekandikál, kukucskál
stunning – lélegzetelállító
to guarantee – garantálni
jaw-dropping – olyan, hogy leesik az ember álla
paradise – paradicsom, mennyország
isolated – elszigetelt
to nestle – befélszkeli magát
vision – látomás
fully-operational – teljesen működőképes
mine – bánya
to trickle – csorog
wonder – csoda
to access – elérni, megközelíteni
gorge – szűk völgy, szoros

Match the words with their synonyms.

1. to take a peek

2. stunning

3. to access

4. wonder

5. gorge

a) to reach

b) miracle

c) canyon

d) to have a look

e) breathtaking

Answers: 1-d 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-c

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