Élet a brit királyi családban – nem csupa móka és kacagás!


A brit királyi családban élni csupa móka és kacagás? Hát nem igazán! Olvasd el a leckében, hogy miféle szabályokat kell betartaniuk!

As kids, we all wanted to become beautiful princesses and brave wise princes. Maybe this is why we watch the life of real monarchs and royals with great interest. It’s elegant and luxurious, but it’s also full of rules, complex protocols, centuries-old traditions, and injunctions.

The 10 most unexpected rules and restrictions are gathered here that the British royal family has to follow.

Nicknames are not allowed.

Despite the fact that the press still refers to the Duchess of Cambridge as Kate Middleton and Princess Diana became known as Princess Di, it is considered to be a big familiarity. Using nicknames and shortened versions of names is a violation of strict protocol.

The Queen gets all the presents.

Every present the royal family receives belongs to the reigning monarch. It’s strictly forbidden to sell them or give them to someone else. However, the Queen can keep the presents for herself or give them away. That’s why we can often spot some of Princess Diana’s jewelry on other members of the royal family.

Everyone follows the Queen.

According to royal etiquette, everyone should follow the Queen’s lead during official gatherings or family events. For example, when she stands, everyone has to do the same. You’re also supposed to stop eating when the Queen stops eating.

Prince Philip always walks a few steps behind the Queen.

The “Everyone follows the Queen” rule is even applied to Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip. He always has to stand or walk a few steps behind his wife.

6 ravens must always inhabit the Tower.

6 ravens must live at the Tower of London at all times. This tradition dates back to the reign of King Charles II, who believed in a legend that said, “If the ravens leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall…”

You can’t turn your back on the Queen.

If you ever have a chance to talk to the Queen, make sure that after your conversation is over, she’s the first to walk away: you can’t turn your back on a monarch. It is considered to be a very rude violation of royal protocol.

The chin is always parallel to the ground.

It’s interesting to know that there’s a proper way for women of the royal family to position their chin: they should hold it parallel to the ground. You can’t take a picture of your “good side.”

Wear a hat in the morning and a tiara in the evening.

Headwear takes a special place in the royal dress code. Royal women have to wear a hat for official events during the day. After 6 PM, tiaras and family jewels should be worn. However, this rule applies only to married ladies. So the next time you’re at an evening reception at Buckingham Palace, remember that women without tiaras are searching for a soul mate.

Myrtle appears in every royal wedding bouquet.

According to an old wedding tradition, every bouquet must contain myrtle as a symbol of love and marriage. In fact, every royal bride since Queen Victoria has had this flower in her bouquet. It grows in the Queen’s own 170-year-old garden.

The Queen’s corgis do whatever they want.

It’s no secret that Queen Elizabeth II adores her corgis. They are the only members of the royal family that live a carefree life. The dogs eat gourmet meals created by a royal chef, and guests in the palace are specifically asked not to bother them in any way. The Queen even banned William and Kate’s Cocker Spaniel so it wouldn’t bother her favorites. The corgis are allowed to walk anywhere in the palace, and the staff knows how to clean the antique furniture and priceless carpets.

The Queen and the Armed Forces

The Queen is Head of the Armed Forces. She is also the wife, mother, and grandmother of individuals who are currently serving in the Armed Forces. The Queen is the only person to declare war and peace, and she holds various appointments and honorary ranks in the Armed Forces.

source: brightside.me

Do or don’t? Sort them out.

Sell the Royal Family’s presents. Use nicknames. Bother the corgis. Adore the corgis. Leave the table before the Queen has finished eating. Have myrtle in the wedding bouquet. Turn your back on the monarch. Stand when the Queen sits. Sit when the Queen sits. Wear a tiara in the morning.




Adore the corgis. Have myrtle in the wedding bouquet. Sit when the Queen sits.

Sell the Royal Family’s presents. Use nicknames. Bother the corgis. Leave the table before the Queen has finished eating. Turn your back on the monarch. Stand when the Queen sits. Wear a tiara in the morning.











uralmon lévő, uralkodó

it’s forbidden

meg van tiltva









to fall

elesni, véget érni

to turn your back on sy

hátat fordítani valakinek









soul mate

lelki társ





to adore



gond nélküli, gondtalan

to bother


to ban



felbecsülhetetlen értékű


ember, egyén

to declare war

hadat üzenni




rang, rangfokozat

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