Despite how much time we spend with them, our dogs’ lives are still largely a mystery to us. What do they think? What do they feel? How much of what we say do they understand? While many of these questions are still the subject of study, some of them can be answered. In this list there are ten incredible dog facts you didn’t know, both about our furry friends and their history on this Earth.
- Their Sense of Smell is Fantastic; Their Taste? Not So Much.
Anybody can tell by observing their furry friend that they have a much closer relationship to smell than we do. But just how much more refined is this ability? Dogs have 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while humans possess a humbling 6 million. Their sense of smell is so refined that they can detect substances at the density of one drop of liquid distributed within 20 Olympic-size swimming pools. However, we win in the taste department, coming in at having a whopping 9,000 taste buds compared to our furry friends’ 1,700.
![10 KUTYÁS ÉRDEKESSÉG ANGOLUL: 10 Incredible Dog Facts You Didn't Know 4](
- Dogs Get Jealous – Even In Their Own Imagination
A study from the University of Auckland has recently revealed that not only do dogs get jealous of their owners, they even have the ability to get jealous in scenarios they imagine between their owner and another dog.
- Dogs Can See (Some) Color
A commonly held belief among people today is that dogs can only see in shades of gray, but this is not the case. While dogs are unable to differentiate between shades of red and green, seeing both instead as shades of gray, they have the full ability to see shades of yellows and blues. It is actually recommended that you use a blue ball when playing in a grassy field with your canine companion to help them differentiate between the ball and the grass.
- Petting Dogs Lowers Your Blood Pressure
Recent studies published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine show that not only is petting a dog pleasant emotionally, but it also has positive physical effects. Participants in the study had decreased blood pressure and heart rates when interacting with dogs, especially when cuddling with and petting these furry fellows. Next time you feel that blood pressure rising, seek out your kind companion.
- They Enjoy Music (Especially Classical)
Have you ever been listening to one of your favorite songs and stopped to wonder if little Fido was enjoying it, too? Well, now you can rest assured that he likely is. According to a study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, dogs in a kennel environment who were played classical music showed decreased anxiety and increased relaxation. Further studies showed that dogs seem to prefer music that is between 50-60 BPM, so if you’re making the perfect playlist for your pup pal, stick to the slower songs.
- They Can Navigate Subway Systems
Dogs in Moscow have been observed using the metro stations not just as shelter — but to navigate the city. Stray dogs will regularly take the subway to stops to find food, visit people, and sometimes just for fun.
- In Ancient Rome, Dogs Wore Armor
While now we dress our furry friends in sweaters and booties, in Ancient Rome, it was a different story. Roman War Dogs were often suited up in plate metal armor and spiked collars and sent to fight alongside their human compatriots. The use of war dogs was not exclusive to Rome — many ancient civilizations, such as Assyria, Greece, and Sumer, used hounds of war as well.
- Dogs Are as Smart as a 2-Year-Old Child
While every breed of dog is different, studies have shown that overall, dogs possess roughly the same level of cognition as a 2-year-old child. Factors looked at while completing this study included spatial awareness, ability to understand language, and ability to understand basic math and numbers. Keep this in mind when interacting with your dog — they may know more than you think.
- The Oldest Dog Breed In The World Has Existed Since 329 B.C.
The oldest known breed of domesticated dog, the Saluki, has existed since at least 329 B.C., with evidence that it existed as long ago as 2100 B.C. Salukis were kept by nearly every civilization in the ancient Middle East, including Egypt, Persia, and many of the nomadic Arab groups. However, their introduction to the English-speaking world is rather recent, with the first Saluki being brought into England as recently as the 1840s.
With how commonly we see dogs on a day-to-day basis, it’s easy to forget how amazing and wonderful our furry friends really are. Next time you’re hanging out with your pet pup, think about his war dog ancestors and his cousin in Moscow riding the subway to visit with friends, and give him a proud pat on the back for the fantastic creature that he is.
- Dogs Have a Sense of Time.
If you’re a dog owner, you probably noticed your canine friend starting to feel impatient when it’s getting close to their mealtime. Dogs have an internal mechanism, called circadian rhythm, that helps them tell the time; such that they know when they’re supposed to receive their food or when their owners are about to arrive home, even if their routine is disrupted.
![10 KUTYÁS ÉRDEKESSÉG ANGOLUL: 10 Incredible Dog Facts You Didn't Know 5](
despite | annak ellenére, hogy |
furry friends | szőrös barátok |
to observe | megfigyelni |
refined | kifinomult |
olfactory receptors | szagló receptorok |
to possess | birtokában van |
to detect substances | anyagokat érzékelni |
density | sűrűség |
to distribute | eloszlatni |
whopping | hatalmas |
taste buds | ízlelőbimbók |
jealous | féltékeny |
belief | hiedelem |
to differentiate | megkülönböztetni |
behavioral | viselkedés |
petting | simogatás |
to decrease | csökkenteni |
to cuddle | ölelgetni |
furry fellows | szőrös pajtások |
to seek out | megkeresni |
to rest assured | biztosnak lenni valamiben |
pup pal | kölyök haver |
to stick to | ragaszkodni valamihez |
stray dogs | kóbor kutyák |
booties | csizmák |
to suit up | felöltözik |
armor | páncélzat |
spiked collars | szöges nyakörv |
compatriots | honfitársak |
exclusive | kizárólagos |
breed | fajta |
overall | összességében |
cognition | megismerési képesség |
spatial awareness | térbeli tudatosság |
ancestors | elődök |
proud pat on the back | büszke vállveregetés |
impatient | türelmetlen |
internal mechanism | belső mechanizmus |
to be disrupted | felborult |