10 dolog, amit nem tudtál Albert Einsteinről


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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Albert Einstein

Guess who: He was ridiculously smart, had crazy hair, and a knack for super-complicated science.

If you said Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker, you’re wrong, because that’s two people.

The right answer is Albert Einstein.

Here are 10 interesting facts about the man.

Number 10. He was a ladies’ man. Einstein was married twice and in letters written over the years admitted to having 6 mistresses.

Number 9. Einstein died after refusing surgery. The physicist suffered an abdominal aneurysm in April of 1955. He was rushed to University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro, but declined a potentially life-saving surgery. He said, “It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share, it is time to go. I will do it elegantly.” He passed away a day later.

Number 8. He took the time to respond to a child’s letter. It wasn’t an easy topic, either. The girl asked on behalf of her Sunday school class if scientists prayed. Einstein’s well-penned response was truthful while simultaneously being respectful of religious belief systems.

Number 7. Einstein had a contract with his first wife. In addition to cleaning, laundry and cooking requirements, it excused him from all unnecessary social interaction. Silence upon demand was also a stipulation of their marriage — hers not his. He vowed to just leave her alone in general. Notably, it was drawn up after their marriage had gone south anyway.

Number 6. Einstein may have had illegitimate children. Historians and possible progeny have come forward to attest to such, but solid proof has always remained elusive.

Number 5. He’s among the top earning dead celebrities. Einstein is listed at number 8, coming in just after John Lennon and one step ahead of Bettie Page.

Number 4. J. Edgar Hoover wanted to kick him out of the US. Einstein’s political views, which gravitated towards pacifism and socialism, prompted some to distrust him. Hoover thought the scientist was a spy and for years ordered agents to tap the man’s phone, rifle through his trash, and even open his mail.

Number 3. Einstein turned down an offer to be President of Israel. The year was 1952, and the newly established nation was searching for a 2nd president. Though he declined, Einstein said that he was ‘deeply moved’ by the invitation.

Number 2. He preferred visualization over experimentation. When it came to forming his game-changing ideas, he would first imagine how his theories would play out, mathematical equations and all.

Number 1. He had a huge brain. Literally. Well, at least the corpus callosum part, which, when you’re in the genius business, is key. It’s the neural network that allows for all parts of the brain to connect and work in harmony.

source: Geobeats


ridiculously nevetségesen
knack for  tehetség valamiben
ladies' man  szoknyapecér 
mistress  szerető
to refuse  visszautasítani
surgery műtét
abdominal aneurysm  hasi aneurizma
to rush  száguldani, rohanni 
potentially lehetségesen
tasteless ízléstelen
to prolong  meghosszabbítani
share  rész
to pass away  elhunyni
on behalf  valaki részéről
to pray  imádkozni
well-penned  jól megírt
simultaneously egyidejűleg
contract  szerződés
laundry  mosás
requirement követelmény
upon demand  kívánságra
stipulation  kikötés
to vow  megfogadni
to go south  befuccsolni
illegitimate törvénytelen
progeny utód
to attest  tanúsít
proof bizonyíték
elusive megfoghatatlan
top earning  legtöbbet kereső
to prompt  sugallni
to rifle through  átválogatni
to turn down an offer  visszautasítani ajánlatot
newlyestablished  újonnan alapított
to prefer something over something else  valamit előnyben részesíteni valami mással szemben
equation  egyenlet 
neural network  idegrendszer

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