Melléknevek és határozók – gyakorló feladatsor


Gyakoroljuk a mellékneveket és határozókat ezzel a feladatsorral. 

1. Match the adjectives and the definitions.









a) A person who is very chatty and friendly is …………………
b) A person who has great ideas is …………………
c) A person who is open is …………………
d) A person who likes to tell people what to do is …………………
e) A person whom you can always trust is …………………
f) A person who likes giving nice presents is …………………
g) A person who wants to have more and more in life is …………………

2. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences.

1. The news we heard yesterday was absolutely ………………… .
a) worrying       b) worried

2. I feel so sad. This book I’m reading is very ………………… .
a) depressed    b) depressing

3. Why are you so …………………? I told you about this weeks ago.
a) shocking      b) shocked

4. Teaching is quite a ………………… job.
a) tiring             b) tired

5. The movie was very ………………… . We almost fell asleep.
a) bored           b) boring

6. I’m very ………………… . I’m leaving for Paris tomorrow.
a) exciting        b) excited

7. ‘How did the party go?’ – ‘Very well. He was absolutely ………………… .’
a) surprised      b)surprising

3. Rewrite the sentences so they mean the same. Use as…. as.

Example:Paris is bigger than Pécs. – Pécs isn’t as big as Paris.

a) Children learn languages much faster than adults. Adults don’t ………………… .
b) My apartment is bigger than Steve’s. Steve’s apartment isn’t ………………… .
c) Our school played much better at the football match than theirs. Their school didn’t ……………… .
d) Football is more popular than hockey. Hockey isn’t ………………… .
e) French is more difficult than English. English isn’t ………………… .
f) This restaurant serves more delicious food than that. That restaurant doesn’t ………………… .

4. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets using a correct form of negative prefix.

Example:I didn’t want to buy that armchair because it was quite uncomfortable (comfortable).

a) When little kids close their eyes, they believe they are ………………… (visible).
b) He kept calling me where I was. He is the most ………………… ( patient) man I know.
c) Our store believes that there’s nothing wrong than a ………………… (satisfied) customer.
d) You shouldn’t eat ………………… (healthy) food.
e) Parents have to teach their children not to be ………………… (polite).
f)  Leaving your cat alone for two days was very ………………… (responsible) of you.
g) Smoking in a hospital is ………………… (legal).

5. Complete the sentences with an adverb. There is one extra.










a) He was ………………… accused of stealing.
b) We are so proud of him. He takes his work very ………………… .
c) The show was very moving. The actor spoke about his private life very ………………… .
d) This conference is held ………………… .
e) ‘How did you know?’ – ‘Well. News travels ………………… .’
f) I ………………… stepped on his foot but I apologised at once.
g) He didn’t say anything. He just ………………… leaned back in his chair.
h) Well done. You ………………… solved this problem.

6. Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

Example: You shouldn’t be so frightening. I’m right here. – frightened

a) You shouldn’t work so hardly. It’s bad for your health.
b) Don’t say it’s unpossible. Nothing is.
c) He is the most happiest person I know.
d) If you go so fastly, you’ll get a ticket.
e) Math is easyer than Literature.
f) This manual is very confused.
g) This book is the boringest I’ve ever read.



a) talkative, b) creative, c) extrovert, d) bossy, e) reliable, f) generous, g) ambitious

1) worrying, 2) depressing, 3) shocked, 4) tiring, 5) boring, 6) excited, 7) surprised

a) … learn languages as fast as children.
b) … as big as mine.
c) … didn’t play as well at the football match as ours.
d) … as popular as football.
e) … as difficult as football.
f) … serve as delicious food as this.

a) invisible, b) impatient, c) dissatisfied, d) unhealthy, e) impolite, f) irresponsible, g) illegal

a) wrongly, b) seriously, c) honestly, d) yearly, e) fast, f) accidentally, g) lazily, h) cleverly

a) hardly – hard
b) unpossible – impossible
c) most happiest – happiest
d) fastly – fast
e) easyer – easier
f) confused – confusing
g) boringest – most boring

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