How To Write A Cover Letter
Writing a cover letter can be tricky, but VideoJug have come up with a sure-fire way to help you create the perfect and most appropriate cover letter for your résumé.
Step 1: You Will Need
a word processor
a printer
quality paper
your resume
- the job description as posted by the employer.
Step 2: Basic Info
The cover letter should follow the standard business letter format, starting with your address, the date, skipping a few lines to add the contact info of the employer. Be sure to find out if the person you’re writing to is a “Sir” or “Madam.”
Step 3: The Open
Write your first paragraph introducing yourself and the reason for the letter. You are Jane, and you are a Worker, and you are writing in response to this job which you found through…you get the idea.
Step 4: Match Your Qualifications To The Job
The next one or two paragraphs will allude to the job description and how your experience fits it. Believe it or not, but this also demonstrates to the employer how well you are able to communicate your business sense. Are you a professional, or just someone who wants a job?
Step 5: Close It Up
Draw the letter to its conclusion quickly, taking no more time away from the resume which they will have already looked at anyway, and suggest a method for following up, such as a phone call or an email which you will initiate. Type in your salutations, and leave a space to sign before typing in your name.
Step 6: Print & Check
After running the spell checker, print out a hard copy to proofread, and after any revisions are complete, use some nice paper, preferably the same as your resume, for the final printout.
Step 7: Talent Signs
Sign your name, and send it away along with your resume.
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cover letter – motivációs kísérőlevél
tricky – trükkös/bonyolult
to come up with something – előállni valamivel
sure-fire – biztosan sikeres
appropriate – megfelelő
résumé – önéletrajz
reason – ok
response – válasz
to allude to something – hivatkozni valamire/utalni valamire
to fit in – illeszkedni/összhangban lenni valamivel
business sense – üzleti érzék
to draw something to its conclusion – befejezni valamit
to initiate – kezdeményezni
salutation – üdvözlés/köszöntés
to proofread – korrigálni/korrektúrázni
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Cover Letter Sample
Writing a great motivational cover letter can be the first step to getting the dream job you’ve always wanted. However, most often you will only need to write a cover letter if you know the name of the person hiring, details about the job requirement or/and if you’ve been personally referred by somebody. It is very important to avoid writing boring and flat form letters or an overly lengthy essay about your unique individuality. Basically, a perfect cover letter should serve as a kind of résumé analysis for your ‘hopefully’ new boss, highlighting data that makes you the best choice for the job in question.
I am responding to a job posting on (name of site) on (date posted) for the (name of position).
Your firm has excellent record in the field of marketing and communications and I strongly believe I could become an effective contribution to your team.
I can offer you a ten-year experience in managing communications for firms such as (name/s of firm/s), high-level project-management skills and a keen eye for detail. I am also great with (list of relevant skills), all of which should make me an ideal candidate for the opening in question.
I have attached my résumé for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime.
Best regards,
(Your Name)