KÉPLEÍRÁS A NYELVVIZSGÁN – Board games/Társasjátékok (B1, B2, C1)

A következő cikk segítségedre lehet, ha szóbeli nyelvvizsgára készülsz, és a képleírás részt szeretnéd gyakorolni. A mintákat meg is hallgathatod.

Alapfok B1

It’s an interesting picture. We can’t see the people in it, we can only see their arms and hands. They are playing a board game. They are playing Ludo. They are sitting on the floor around the board game. They are probably kids because the hands we can see are small. They are playing with different colour pieces but we can’t see a dice. We can’t tell if they are happy or sad and we don’t know who the winner will be. Playing board games is a lot of fun. Children usually love playing board games. They laugh a lot when they play and everybody wants to win the game, of course, and nobody wants to lose. It’s difficult to learn how to lose nicely.

We had a lot of board games at home when I was a kid. We played board games together with my parents every Sunday afternoon. I loved those afternoons. We were together and it was a happy time. We still play board games together sometimes, but unfortunately, everyone is always busy. It’s difficult to find the time when everyone is free to play. I miss those old Sunday afternoons!

Középfok B2

Though we cannot tell for sure it’s most likely kids who are playing a board game in the picture considering the size of the hands and arms above the board of the game. They are playing Ludo. Ludo is quite a simple strategy board game for two to four players. The players race their four tokens or pieces from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. The areas of the Ludo board are typically coloured bright yellow, green, red, and blue. Each player is assigned a colour and has four tokens in that colour. Each player rolls a dice and the highest roller begins the game. Players alternate turns in a clockwise direction. The first to bring all their tokens to the finish wins the game. It’s a fun game and the rules are easy to learn so children can play it from a young age. Ludo is usually one of the first board games or the very first board game that young kids learn to play. Playing together and especially playing together with parents can teach important lessons to children. They learn the joy of winning and they also learn how to lose gracefully. Learning how to lose is a difficult but on the other hand very important lesson to learn in life. Learning to wait for your turn and follow the rules and stay seated are important lessons as well.

As for the fun part, playing board games involves a lot of laughter and communication with each other in a stress-free and relaxed atmosphere. Although the players play against each other they are just opponents but not enemies. Board games can provide endless hours of fun and they can provide a much-needed distraction from the everyday problems of life.

Board games are popular entertainment for adults as well, especially young adults. Certain cafes in cities and towns offer the chance to play board games and usually attract a crowd of young people who are happy to play. Inventing and constructing innovative new board games is a booming industry. The only problem is that new board games are quite pricey and quite an investment if you want to buy them. Board game cafes can better afford to buy them and this way they allure young people to come and play the games. 

Felsőfok C1

A felsőfokú mintát (a másik kettővel együtt a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin 2022 decemberi számában találod – vagy a Digitális Standunkon is megnézheted pdf- verzióban!)

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board game társasjáték
Ludo Ki nevet a végén?
piece bábu
dice, die dobókocka
to lose veszíteni
board tábla
token bábu
roll gurítás, dobás
to assign kijelölni
highest roller aki a legtöbbet dobja
to alternate turns sorban következni
in clockwise direction az óramutató járásával megegyező irányban
to lose gracefully méltóságteljesen veszíteni
to wait for your turn várni a sorodra
laughter nevetés
opponent ellenfél
enemy ellenség
distraction figyelemelterelés, szórakozás
to invent kitalálni, kifejleszteni
booming industry virágzó iparág
pricey drága
investment befektetés
can better afford to jobban megengedhetik maguknak
to allure csábítani, vonzani
close-up közelkép
hardly alig
to capture lekapni, elkapni
to pull each other’s legs ugratni egymást, tréfálkozni
ups and downs hullámhegyek és hullámvölgyek
to assume feltételezni
affluent jómódú, gazdag
fundamental alapvető
with abandon nagy beleéléssel, önfeledten
determined elszánt
defeat vereség
to supersede helyettesíteni, felülírni
to be glued to the screen a képernyőhöz tapadni
goal cél
to plunder kifosztani
to devise kigondolni, kitalálni
crucial role döntő szerep
to compete versenyezni
to outsmart sb túljárni valaki eszén
skill készség