Sunny listening comprehension about Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell in Greece


Igazi nyári hangulatú hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat, Goldie Hawn és Kurt Russell görögországi kiruccanásáról, hanganyaggal, cikkel és szószedettel.

Listen to the article and choose the right answer.

1)      Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell were seen
a)      on a boat near the Greek shores.
b)      shirtless in a small white craft.
c)       sunbathing on the deck of a boat.

2)      Goldie Hawn
a)      is younger than her partner.
b)      wore a bikini.
c)       had lots of laughs.

3)      Kurt and Goldie
a)      had a guest on board called Benjamin.
b)      had lunch on board the ship called Private Benjamin.
c)       had lunch after their cruise.

4)      The couple
a)      often spend their summer vacation on one of the Greek islands.
b)      enjoyed their first visit to Greece with friends.
c)       have been together since they were teenagers.

5)      Kurt and Goldie
a)      are planning their marriage.
b)      have a large joint fortune.
c)       are both individually wealthy.

Answers: 1) a, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a, 5) c

They’ve been together 30 years and counting


Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell proved their love was stronger than ever during a fun-filled, sunny trip to Greece. The loved-up couple was seen cruising around offshore on Saturday in a small white craft with a shirtless Kurt manning the controls. While her 62-year-old partner navigated the waters, Goldie, 67, sunned on deck in a purple one-piece swimsuit and tinted shades. The Private Benjamin star held on and mostly giggled as that famously golden-blonde hair whipped around her face in the rushing wind. They had a grey-haired friend on board and Goldie was a vivacious hostess. Once they’d gotten all the sun and wind they could handle, the vessel was anchored and Kurt and Goldie hopped off to relax and lunch at one of the outdoor cafes. Goldie was animated and entertained their friends while red-cheeked Kurt grinned through his silvery whiskers.  At one point the pair were spotted strolling the oceanside walk, this time clothed and comfortable. Goldie was draped in a loose-fitting sleeveless top and jeans while Kurt looked cool in blue T-shirt and jeans. The couple love the Greek islands and are often seen holidaying there with family and friends. Last summer they were joined by Goldie’s daughter Kate Hudson and her partner Matt Bellamy. Goldie and Kurt first met when Kurt was 16 and Goldie was 21 but it wasn’t until they starred together in 1983’s Swing Shift that they connected romantically. Even after all these years together, the couple – who have a 27-year-old son, Wyatt – have never married. ‘[We] have done just perfectly without marrying. I already feel devoted and isn’t that what marriage is supposed to do?’ Goldie told Australia’s Woman’s Day magazine in 2007. ‘So as long as my emotional state is in a state of devotion, honesty, caring and loving, then we’re fine. We both have independent finances, we’re both independently well-off.’ Goldie also has two children, Kate, 34, and Oliver, 31, from her marriage to Bill Hudson, and Kurt has a son, Boston, 35, from his previous marriage to actress Season Hubley.


sunny– napos, napfényes
to cruise – sétahajózni, cirkálni
offshore – partmenti
craft – hajó, vízi jármű
shirtless – ingtelen
to man the controls – kormányozni
to sun – sütkérezni
on deck – fedélzeten
one-piece swimsuit – egyrészes fürdőruha
tinted shades – színes napszemüveg
to giggle – kuncogni
to whip around – ide-oda csapkodni
to rush – rohanni, zúdulni, áradni
on board – hajón, fedélzeten
vivacious – élénk, eleven, jókedvű
vessel – hajó, edény
to anchor – (le)horgonyozni
to hop off – leugrani, lepattani
animated – lendületes, élénk, eleven
to entertain – szórakoztatni
red-cheeked – piros arcú
to grin – vigyorogni
silvery – ezüstös
whiskers – bajusz, pofaszakáll
to stroll – sétálni, kószálni
oceanside – óceánpart
to be draped – felöltözve lenni
loose-fitting – laza
sleeveless – ujjatlan
devoted – odaadó, ragaszkodó
honesty – őszinteség
caring – törődés
independent finances – független pénzügyek
independently – függetlenül (egymástól)
well-off – jómódú

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