Stollen – szókincsbővítés, mini feladatok

Mai karácsonyi hangulatot idéző édességünk a Stollen, azaz a gyümölcskenyér lesz. Sok érdekességet tudhattok meg a rövid leckéből.

Stollen is first mentioned in 15th-century documents, though the recipe has changed significantly since then. Originally an Advent meal eaten in monasteries, the bland bread didn’t include fruit or butter. It took six decades of a Saxon nobility effort to obtain the Pope’s permit to include butter in it. In 1491, the “Butter Letter” arrived and the recipe changed forever.

The inclusion of butter made for a richer cake; over time the recipe evolved into the dried fruit- and marzipan-accented loaf now prized at Christmas. Said to represent the swaddled Baby Jesus, the oblong, sugar-dusted loaves are Christollen in German. Time-consuming but worth the effort.

Find its recipe HERE

sources (text; video): the spruceEats; Dresdner Stollen Girl Explains How to Make Stollen, DW Food, YouTube

1.Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megadott opciók egyikével a szöveg alapján.

2.A videó megnézése után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre.

1.What is this confectionary authorised for?

2.What are the primary ingredients of the dough?

3.What ingredients give it its unique flavour?

4.What does Andreas Kerber do once the loaf has cooled?

5.What does he do next?

3.Találd meg a videóban használt négy érdekes kifejezés angol magyarázatát. full tilt
B.a confectionary churn out goods

D.her hands are full  

1.she is very busy produce large quantities of goods very quickly fast as possible
4.a place where sweets or chocolate are made or sold



1.for marketing/selling their Stolen as original Dresden Christmas Stolen
2.wheat flour and (healthy portion of) butter and lemon zest, candied lemon peel and nutmeg
4.He rubs off any slightly burnt raisins on the top then he glazes the loaf with a layer of butter.
5.He covers the loaf with a generous coating of powdered sugar.



significantly jelentősen
monasteries monostorok (szerzetesek templommal egybeépített telephelye)
bland bread ízetlen kenyér
to include tartalmazni
nobility nemesség
to obtain megszerezni
permit engedély
to include tartalmazni
inclusion befogadás
to evolve into fejlődni valamivé
marzipan-accented marcipánnal díszített
swaddled bepólyázott
oblong hosszúkás
loaves, a loaf kenyér cipók, cipó
time-consuming időigényes
worth the effort megéri a fáradságot
to struggle küzdeni
addition hozzáadása
to cherish dédelgetni
rectangular téglalap alakú
unique egyedi
at full tilt teljes gőzzel
confectionary cukrászda
to churn out goods árut termeljen
her hands are full elfoglalt
zest citromhéj
peel héj
to rub off ledörzsölni
to glaze mázzal bevonni
a generous coating bőséges bevonat

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