Does the curse of the Pharaohs really exist? Listening comprehension exercise.


Valóban létezne a fáráók átka? Hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat, hanganyaggal, cikkel és szószedettel.

Listen to the article and then decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1)      An Egyptian statue started moving on its own after 80 years.                                      T/F
2)      The curse of Neb-Senu caused the death of more than 20 people.                               T/F
3)      The mysterious statue slowly rotates in circles all day and night long.                         T/F
4)      Scientists have no explanation yet for this strange phenomenon.                                 T/F
5)      Some believe the statue moves due to the vibrations caused by visitors’ footsteps.       T/F

Answers: 1) T, 2) F, 3) F, 4) F, 5) T


Is this ancient Egyptian statue a sign that there really is a curse of the Pharaohs?

Relic of the god of death found inside mummy’s tomb and kept in museum for 80 years starts spinning on its own. The curse of Tutankhamen is said to have claimed more than 20 lives. By contrast, the curse of Neb-Senu amounts to little more than an occasional inconvenience for museum curators. Over several days, the ten-inch Egyptian statuette gradually rotates to face the rear of the locked glass cabinet in which it is displayed, and has to be turned around again by hand. Those who like tales of haunted pyramids and walking mummies may regard the mystery of the 4,000-year-old relic – an offering to Osiris, god of the dead – as the strangest thing to hit Egyptology in decades. Others, including TV physicist Professor Brian Cox, have a more down-to-earth explanation for its movement. Whatever the solution, the puzzle certainly won’t dent visitor numbers at its present home, Manchester Museum. The statuette’s slow about-turn has been captured on film by a time-lapse camera, and curator Campbell Price, 29, says he believes there may be a spiritual explanation. ‘I noticed one day that it had turned around,’ he said. ‘I thought it was strange because it is in a case and I am the only one who has a key. ‘I put it back, but then the next day it had moved again.  ‘In Ancient Egypt they believed that if the mummy is destroyed then the statuette can act as an alternative vessel for the spirit. Maybe that is what is causing the movement.’ The statue, made by one Neb-Senu in about 1800BC, was donated to the museum in 1933, and had been reassuringly immobile for most of that time. However Mr Price and his colleagues are now used to finding it facing the rear of its case – perhaps significantly, displaying a prayer on the back requesting ‘bread, beer, oxen and fowl’. Their video has recorded it rotating to its left over the course of three days until facing backwards. Even more mysteriously, it appears to spin only during daylight hours, and does not turn beyond 180 degrees. Some, including Professor Cox, have suggested that vibrations caused by the footsteps of passing visitors makes the statuette turn on its glass shelf. Mr Price said: ‘Brian thinks it’s “differential friction” where two surfaces, the stone of the statuette and glass shelf it is on, cause a subtle vibration which is making the statuette turn. But it has been on those surfaces since we have had it and it has never moved before. ‘And why would it go around in a perfect circle? It would be great if someone could solve the mystery.’


curse– átok
relic – ereklye
mummy – múmia
tomb – sír
to spin – pörögni, megfordulni
to claim – (itt) követelni
to amount to – (itt) jelenteni valamit
occasional – időnkénti
inconvenience – kellemetlenség
rear – hátsó
to display – kiállítani, (be)mutatni
haunted – kísértet járta
to regard – tekinteni/ tartani valamit valaminek
to dent – csorbát ejteni valamin
to notice – észrevenni
case – búra, tok, tartó
to destroy – elpusztítani, tönkretenni
vessel – hordozó, edény
spirit – szellem, lélek
to cause – okozni
to donate – adományozni
reassuringly – megnyugtatóan
immobile – mozdulatlan
to face – szembenézni
significantly – jelentősen
prayer – ima
to request – kérni
oxen – ökör
fowl – baromfi
mysteriously – rejtélyesen, titokzatosan
to appear – tűnni
differential friction – differenciális súrlódás
subtle – finom, visszafogott
to solve – megoldani, megfejteni

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