A lapraszerelhető ház :)


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Tiny House

Who wouldn’t want their own place instead of renting? The company Tiny House UK markets its new flatpack wooden cabin as ideal for young couples or an alternative to renting accommodation that leaves most students with £30-50,000 in debt by the time they finish university. The company claims it is as easy to assemble as Ikea furniture and in most cases it doesn’t need planning permission. At £6,500 for a basic but fully insulated model, no wonder that it has become quite popular as a spare bedroom for family or friends, a garden office or a hideaway for teenagers.

These cute huts are fully mobile and easy to park and can also be fitted with a shower, toilet and a kitchen unit containing a sink, a gas burner, a minifridge and a grill. Another advantage is that they are cheap to heat because of their small size, and what is more, they can be packed up when you move house. The company claims that the flatpack kit can be built in two days and the interior walls can be painted any colour you wish. The kit comes without window panes so owners have a choice, but if you’re planning to live in it full-time then proper, double-glazed windows are a must. The bed area in the rafters is big enough for a double mattress even in the smallest, 12-foot model. In terms of comfort, the height of the roof means that the cabin doesn’t feel at all cramped and it certainly looks and feels more permanent and cosy than a caravan.

If solar panels or a small wind turbine, a composting WC and water tanks are installed, the cabin can be used as a weekend house even in the middle of nowhere. The electricity thus generated would not be enough for heating, though, so a wood stove is recommended, which is also perfect for boiling the kettle and heating water on.

instead of – helyett
flatpack – lapraszerelt
cabin – faház
in debt – adósságban
to claim – állítani
to assemble – összeszerelni, összeállítani
planning permission – építési engedély
insulated – szigetelt
mobile – mozgatható, szállítható
advantage – előny
to move house – elköltözni
interior – belső
window panes – ablaküveg
double-glazed – dupla üveges
a must – kötelező dolog
rafter – tetőgerenda
cramped – zsúfolt
cosy – otthonos
caravan – lakókocsi
solar panel – napelem
wind turbine – szélturbina
tank – tartály
in the middle of nowhere – a semmi közepén
wood stove – fatüzelésű kályha

True or false? 

1. Tiny house is recommended as an alternative to renting.
2. The house needs water tanks but can be connected to the electricity grid.
3. The house is not only cheap but also conveniently packed.
4. Caravans are cosier and more easily transported than tiny house.
5. The window panes and colour depend on the owner’s choice.

answers: 1-T 2-F 3-T 4-F 5-T

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