2008.07.02 – Crime Vocabulary 2.

            5Perc Angol online magazin 5Perc Angol.hu Fórum LETÖLTHET? ANYAGOK 2008. július 02. Hírlevélarchívum Szia ! Ma tovább folytatjuk a b?nözés témakört. Az olvasmány segítségével megtanulhatod, hogy hogyan kell egy b?ntényt bejelenteni a rend?rségen, illetve felelevenítheted a Past Continuous (Folyamatban lév? múlt id?) használatát is. Ha szeretnéd elolvasni ennek az

5Perc Angol online magazin 5Perc Angol.hu Fórum LETÖLTHET? ANYAGOK
2008. július 02. Hírlevélarchívum
Szia !

Ma tovább folytatjuk a b?nözés témakört. Az olvasmány segítségével megtanulhatod, hogy hogyan kell egy b?ntényt bejelenteni a rend?rségen, illetve felelevenítheted a Past Continuous (Folyamatban lév? múlt id?) használatát is.

Ha szeretnéd elolvasni ennek az igeid?nek a pontos használatát, akkor klikkelj ide:

Nagy népszer?ségnek örvend még mindig az a link, amit korábban mutattam. Ez egy hangos szótár, csak be kell ütnöd a kívánt szót, és a program kiejti neked helyesen! Itt találod:


Ha nyáron (vagy bármikor egész évben) szeretnél Máltára vagy Londonba menni nyelvtanfolyamra, akkor mi ezt megszervezzük neked a szállással együtt. Err?l b?vebb infót itt találsz:


Jó tanulást kívánok!


Yesterday a young boy stole Hillary’s purse while she was walking home from work. After the incident Hillary went to the police station to report the case. Now she is talking to a police officer about the theft:

Police Officer:

So Miss Baker, tell me everything about the incident!


It was about 5 o’clock when I finished work and left my office.

Police Officer:

Where is your office exactly?


I work at 76-78 Upper Ground, in South Bank.

Police Officer:

So you left your office at 5 p.m., didn’t you?


Yes, I did. The weather was fine, the sun was shining, so I decided to go to the tube station on foot, instead of taking the bus, as I usually do.

Police Officer:

Which station were you walking to? Waterloo, I guess.


Yes, that’s right. I was walking towards Waterloo station when I noticed that a young man was following me.

Police Officer:

Can you describe him? What was he like? What was he wearing?


I didn’t have much time to have a good look at him. Everything happened so fast.

Police Officer:

You remember the colour of his hair and eyes, don’t you?


He was wearing a dark blue hooded jacket, so I couldn’t see his hair. I didn’t see his eyes either.

Police Officer:

What else was he wearing?


He was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and boots.

Police Officer:

How exactly did the incident happen?


As I mentioned before, it was about 5 o’clock when I left my office. I was walking towards the station when I noticed this guy. He was wearing a hoodie, and it seemed to be strange to me, because the sun was shining. He started to follow me. He was walking faster and faster so I took my cell phone out of my bag to call my boyfriend. While I was dialling his number, the guy came next to me, and snatched my handbag. I screamed for help, but he ran away in a minute and nobody could help me. Then I came here.

Police Officer:

What did the handbag contain?


My purse with my credit cards, my documents and my keys. Fortunately, he didn’t snatch my cell-phone as I was dialling my boyfriend’s number and it was in my hand.

Police Officer:

Where there any witnesses?


There were some people who saw the incident but nobody came to my help.

Police Officer:

I see, Miss Baker. I took the minutes and we are going to start the investigation soon.


incident incidens, eset
to report a case bejelenteni egy ügyet
to decide to do sth elhatározza, hogy csinálni fog valamit
on foot gyalog
instead of … … helyett
to notice észrevesz
to describe leír, körülír
to have a good look at sth/sb jól megnézni vmit/vkit
to happen történik
hooded jacket kapucnis dzseki
not …either sem … sem …
as I mentioned before ahogy azt korábban említettem
towards … … felé
hoodie kapucnis fels?
to seem to be … …-nak t?nik
to snatch elkap, megragad
to contain tartalmaz
to dial tárcsáz
investigation nyomozás
witness tanú
to take the minutes jegyz?könyvet felvenni


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