Szia !
Az elmúlt két leckében megtanultuk a Reported Speech, azaz a függ? beszéd használatát, megnéztük, hogy hogyan változnak bizonyos határozók, illetve az igeid?k, amikor a bevezet? ige múlt id?ben van. Ma egy újabb esettel b?vítjük tudásunkat: megnézzük mi a helyzet a módbeli segédigékkel, ha függ? beszédbe szeretnénk tenni ?ket.
Ma ismét jön Mr Mann, aki ebben a jelenetben egy születésnapi üdvözl? kártyát szeretne venni. Korábban mutattam egy linket, ahol meg tudod hallgatni a szavak kiejtését, ezt most is ajánlom (sokan írtátok, hogy nagyon-nagy segítség kezd?knek):
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!
Üdv, Nóri
Módbeli segédige
Ez lesz bel?le
could (ha jelen id?re vonatkozik)
would be able to (ha jöv? id?re vonatkozik)
should (tanácsadás)
would (információ kérésekor)
must/had to (szükséges, kell)
A would, could, used to, mustn’t, should, might, ought to és a had better nem változnak.
Direct speech
Indirect speech
She said ’I’ll do it later’.
She said (that) she would do it later.
She said ’I can speak Italian’.
She said (that) she could speak Italian.
She said ’I can come next Friday’.
Sha said (that) she would be able to go next Friday.
Sha said ’I may speak to Margaret’.
She said (that) she might speak to Margaret.
She said ’How shall I do this?.’
She asked how she should do that. (tanács)
She said ’When sahll we reach New York?’
She asked when they would reach New York. (információ)
She said ’He must be very handsome.’
She said (that) he must be very handsome.
She said ’You must be back at 11.00’.
She said (that) I should be beack at 11.00.
She said ’You should eat less.’
She said (that) I should eat less.
She said ’You had better leave him alone.’
She said (that) I had better leave him alone.
MR MANN: BIRTHDAYCARD SKETCH Lejátszáshoz kattints ide
It’s not a clock, and at this shop in Flem, Mr Mann is looking for a birthday card. I had a birthday once. I was 44.
Mr Mann: Hello. Roy: Hello. Sorry. I was just about to take my lunch hour. Margaret! Margaret! Margaret: Yes?! Roy: I was just about to take my lunch hour. Can you come downstairs and serve the gentleman? Margaret: I don’t have any arms or legs. Roy: Sorry, Margaret. I forgot. So, yes. How can I help you? Mr Mann: Hello. Yes. I would like to purchase a birthday card, please. Roy: Well, these are all birthday cards. Mr Mann: For a man … Roy: Well, these are the men’s cards. Mr Mann: … who is sixty… five. He hates dogs. And cats. And cartoon frogs. Roy: Does he hate all animals? Mr Mann: No, he likes single cell organisms, like amoebas. Roy: Right. I don’t see any amoeba based cards here. One moment! Margeret! Margaret! Do we have birthday cards with single cell organisms on them? Mr Mann: Like amoebas. Roy: Like amoebas. Margaret: I don’t think so, no. Roy: She says she doesn’t think so. No. Mr Mann: Oh. Roy: Oh. I don’t know what to suggest. Mr Mann: Oh, he loves the sea … word. Roy: I can assure you we don’t have anything with that. Mr Mann: Don’t worry I can write that too, myself. Do you have cards that just say: Happy 65th birthday … Michael Phillipiades. Roy: No. Mr Mann: Mike Phillipiades?
to be about to do sth |
azon van, hogy csináljon vmit/épp akar csinálni vmit |
lunch hour |
ebédid? |
to purchase |
megvásárol |
single cell organism |
egysejt? él?lény |
like |
mint például (persze van más jelentése is:-) |
amoeba |
am?ba |
to suggest |
ajánl |
I can assure you … |
Biztosíthatom Önt arról, hogy … |