Szia !
Mára egy vicces leckét készítettem, amelyben 32 mondatot találsz angolul tanulók fogalmazásaiból, mégpedig olyanokat, amelyekben valamilyen helyesírási vagy nyelvtani hiba van, mégis helyesek a mondatok! Hogyan lehetséges ez? Úgy, hogy a hibás mondat teljesen mást jelent, mint amit valószín?leg a diák mondani akart, így a mondat bár helyes is lehetne, mégsem az!
A múlt héten mutattam egy linket, ahol meg tudod hallgatni a szavak kiejtését, ezt most is ajánlom (sokan írtátok, hogy nagyon-nagy segítség kezd?knek):
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!!
Üdv, Nóri
Az alábbi mondatokat angol nyelvet tanuló gyerekek írták le fogalmazásaikban, nem is sejtve, hogy a milyen viccessé tették a mondatokat a helyesírási és nyelvtani hibáikkal.
1. We put the meat in the freezer after we came home from chopping. 2. She likes to wash TV when she gets home. 3. I went to Canada to see Niagara False. 4. We made planes to go different places. 5. The cat was hungry because we forgot to eat him.
6. [same fill-in] my grandmother was at the airport so I had to put her up in my car. 7. A widow is a woman whose husband is dyed. 8. I want to pass this curse. 9. It was noisy, so he shot the window. 10. I like my sister’s husband. He’s a really nice gay. 11. I had to go to my children’s school melting. 12. There were ducks on the pond, so we felt them. 13. School was hard in the beginning because I knew only a little person. 14. Although I wasn’t born, I feel like a real Cuban. 15. I’m from the Dominican Republic, but I have been living for four years. 16. After I graduated, I married me. 17. He can’t work in the US because he doesn’t have a green car. 18. We had phone at the picnic. 19. I tried eating prepared American foods, but now I cook myself as much as I can. 20. He’ll lose his job if he doesn’t stop to drink alcohol. 21. I’m going to visit my mother-in-love. 22. Muslims have to play five times a day. 23. He’s been eaten at expensive restaurants lately. 24. Muslims have to go to the morgue every Friday. 25. On weekends I enjoy playing in the piano. 26. I’m Christian, so I didn’t have a sex before I got married. 27. Joan, who I have known for many years, is one of my closet friends. 28. Children with metal problems make me sad. 29. After I was a high student, I went to the university. 30. She works as a baby sister in this country. 31. When I feel tired, I go to bed and take a map. 32. The police didn’t punish me because I was a miner.