Different voting systems around the World
Alternative Vote System
Voters rank candidates in order of preference; first, second, third etc.The candidate with half the total vote is elected. This system is used in Australia.
Single Transferable Vote System
Voters rank candidates in order of preference; first, second, third etc. The votes are counted until one candidate has reached a certain number of votes (quota). They are elected. Any other votes for that politician are transferred onto other candidates, following voters’ second and third choices etc. The process continues until the required number of candidates has been elected. This is used in the Republic of Ireland for large constituencies which may have four or five politicians.
Additional Member System
The first past the post system is used to elect most politicians. A number of seats are left open. They are filled by candidates to reflect the popularity of political parties. These candidates are chosen from a list. The list can be open, allowing voters to choose their preferred candidate. The list can be closed, allowing the party to choose the candidate. This is used for the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and the Greater London Assembly.
Closed List System
Each political party maks a list of their candidates, ranked in order. People vote for their preferred party. A party that wins e.g. 30 per cent of the votes gets 30 percent of the seats. They give these seats to their politicians, working their way down the list. In other words, people vote for a party rather than a politician. This system is used by many countries in western Europe. It was also used to elect the UK’s MEPs in 1999.
Open List System
This is like the closed list system, except that voters can see the list. They have the choice of voting for a particular party OR a specific politician. In other words, they re-order the party’s list.
Supplementary Vote System
Voters make a first and second choice of candidate. A candidate who gets over 50 per cent of the votes is elected. If this does not happen, the ‘second choice’ votes for the top two candidates are counted. The winner is given the seat.
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