5 perc Angol online magazin   2006. április 4. Szia! Ezen a héten – ragaszkodva az aktualitásokhoz – a választásokról fogunk beszélni: megtanuljuk a választásokhoz (általában) kapcsolódó szavakat és egyéb ideill? kifejezéseket. Aki most megy szóbeli nyelvvizsgára, készüljön fel, hogy (szerintem szinte biztosan) kérdezni fogják a választásokról, a magyarország választási rendszerr?l, úgyhogy tanuljuk is
5 perc Angol online magazin   2006. április 4.


Ezen a héten – ragaszkodva az aktualitásokhoz – a választásokról fogunk beszélni: megtanuljuk a választásokhoz (általában) kapcsolódó szavakat és egyéb ideill? kifejezéseket. Aki most megy szóbeli nyelvvizsgára, készüljön fel, hogy (szerintem szinte biztosan) kérdezni fogják a választásokról, a magyarország választási rendszerr?l, úgyhogy tanuljuk is meg az idevágó szavakat és kifejezéseket most!

Jó tanulást!




The General Election is about picking a new government and must happen at least once every four years. Everyone in Hungary who is registered to vote can have a say in choosing the next government. Each registered voter gets one ballot paper. They mark it with a cross next to the name of their chosen candidate. The candidate who gets more votes than any other becomes an MP. This is called first past the post. When the MPs have been chosen, the leader of the largest group (political party) gets asked to form a government

ballot a piece of paper listing the candidates running for the office szavazócédula
ballot box a box in which votes are placed szavazóláda
campaign a series of political actions (like advertisements, public appearances, and debates) that are used to help a candidate get elected to office kampány
candidate a person who is running for an office jelölt
caucus an informal meeting at which potential voters and candidates (or their representatives) talk about the issues and their preferred candidate, and then decide which candidate they support and which delegates to send to their political party’s convention pártvezet?ségi nagygy?lés
convention an official meeting of the delegates of a political party at which they choose their candidates and decide upon their party platform egyezmény, gy?lés
debate a formal, public political discussion involving two or more candidates for office. In a debate, candidates state and defend their positions on major issues. Debates are often held in public places or are broadcast on radio, TV, and/or on the Internet vita
delegate a person who is chosen to represent a local political party at a political convention képvisel?, küldött
election a process in which people vote to choose a leader or to decide an issue választás
exit poll an informal poll taken as people leave the voting booth. Exit polls are used to predict the outcome of the election before the polls are closed nem hivatalos közvélemény-kutatás, amelyet a szavazófülkét elhagyó emberekkel késztenek, hogy már a végeredmény el?tt megjósolható legyen az eredmény
front runner a front runner is the political candidate who looks as though he/she is winning az a politikai jelölt, aki nyertesnek látszik (a választás egy bizonyos szakaszában)
government a group of people who are responsible for controlling a county or a state kormány
incumbent a person who is currently in office hivatalban lév?, tisztvisel?
independent a person who is not associated with any political party független
majority more than half of the votes többség
MP (Member of Parliament) a person who has been elected to represent the people of a particular area in the parliament parlamenti képvisel?
negative ads political advertisements that attack a candidate’s opponent, often trying to destroy the opponent’s character ellenkampány
platform a formal written document that states a political party’s stances on important issues and its goals for the future politikai program
plurality in most elections, the person who gets more votes than anyone else is the winner (even if it isn’t more than half of the votes). That person is said to have a plurality of the votes szavazattöbbség
poll a survey of people (usually voters) that is taken to find out which candidate or issue they might vote for szavazat, szavazás, közvélemény kutatás
referendum also called a ballot measure, initiative or proposition. A ballot initiative is a proposed piece of legislation (a law) that people can vote on népszavazás
swing voters voters who do not have allegiance to a particular political party szavazó, akinek nincs köt?dése egy párthoz sem
term limits limits on the length of time that a politician can stay in office hivatali id? (ameddig egy politikus hivatalban van)
to vote a way to show your preference and choose elected leaders or decide on initiatives. People can vote by marking a piece of paper, raising their hand, or filling out a form on a computer szavazni
voter   szavazó
voting booth a small enclosure in which a person votes szavazófülke
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