Going on a journey
My friend had a busy time at work last year so he decided to get away from the city for a two-week-holiday. He set off last Saturday. He got on the morning train to Rome an was heading for a bungalow in the south of Italy but was also planning to stop off for a few days in Rome to visit some of the most important sights.
get away elmenni nyaralni, f?leg olyankor haszáljuk, amikor igazán ránk fér egy kis pihenés
set off útra kelni, elindulni
get on felszállni egy járm?re
get off leszállni egy járm?r?l
get into (the car) beszállni (a kocsiba)
get out of (the car) kiszállni (a kocsiból)
head for valamilyen irányba megy
stop off útközben megáll valahol egy rövid id?re
Travel in general
check in bejelentkezik (hotel, repül?)
check out kijelentkezik
pull in megérkezik az állomásra (vonat)
pull out kifut az állomásról
Travel by air
We were very lucky and got a standby to Hawaii last summer.There weren’t many people on the flight so we checked in quickly. The flight took off on time and touched down a bit earlier. On our way home we stopped over in New York for three days.
standby olcsó repül?jegy, amit indulás el?tt a reptéren lehet megvenni
take off felszáll a repül?
touch down földet ér
stop over útközben megáll valahol egy rövid id?re