2003.09.01 – Fight to Keep Bison Inside Yellowstone

2003. szeptember1. ÜDVÖZÖLJÜK! g NYELVISKOLA HÍREK Szia! Ma egy rendkívül érdekes olvasmányt küldünk, valamint napjainkban egyre gyakrabban hallott bling szó jelentésére csatolunk magyarázatot. jó szórakozást! Millennium   2003 szeptember 5. jelentkez? hallgatók havonta akár 20 ingyenes foglalkozáson vehetnek részt. f f f NAPI TÉMA s VOCABULARY bi?son  (plural bi?son)noun  large humped animal: a large hairy animal resembling

2003. szeptember1.





Ma egy rendkívül érdekes olvasmányt küldünk, valamint napjainkban egyre gyakrabban hallott bling szó jelentésére csatolunk magyarázatot.

jó szórakozást!



2003 szeptember 5. jelentkez? hallgatók havonta akár 20 ingyenes foglalkozáson vehetnek részt.

f f f




bi?son  (plural bi?son)noun 

large humped animal: a large hairy animal resembling an ox, but with massive head and shoulders and a humped back. Bison were once common in North America and Europe, but are now mainly found only in protected areas. Genus Bison.





kick out (separable): expel; force someone to leave because of his/her poor performance or unacceptable behavior.

"Jim’s club kicked him out because he didn’t pay his dues or come to meetings."



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Ebben a kis összefoglalóban az igeidõket olyan sorrendben magyarázzuk el, ahogy azokat tanulni érdemes, tehát nem kategóriákban, mint például: jelen idõk, jövõ idõk, múlt idõk. Minél több igeidõt tudsz annál választékosabban tudod majd magad kifejezni, és annál árnyaltabban tudod majd leírni a cselekvéseket.
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Fight to Keep Bison Inside Yellowstone

From a news story by
CNN San Francisco Reporter David Mattingly


"Well, maybe you could ski over towards us," says a volunteer into his two-way radio while hiking through the snow of Yellowstone National Park.

They are volunteers racing against time.

"He should be right over this edge."

Armed with radios and binoculars, they comb the southern Montana forest in search of wayward bison. Buffalo, most people call them, have made the big mistake of wandering outside of Yellowstone National Park.

"Unfortunately, they have a zero tolerance policy" says one of the volunteers.

Once outside, the bison are subject to the controversial Montana policy called hazing. This video from a bison protection group shows it in action with state helicopters and snowmobiles chasing the bison back into the park.

It is part of an elaborate effort to prevent the bison from infecting local cattle with brucellosis, a reproductive disease that causes cows to abort.

"The state of Montana has spent thirty years and thirty-four million dollars to eradicate that disease that allows our state to be brucellosis free," says a Montana Department of Livestock official.

From here, it would seem that the bison are so far away from everything that they couldn’t possibly be involved in a controversy, but just a quarter of a mile from here is the park boundary. If the bison cross that boundary, they are fair game for the state of Montana with possible hazing, capture, or worse.

The problem exploded in 1996 when an unusually harsh winter sent thousands of hungry bison out of the park in search of food. Over a thousand were shot and killed. Since the winter of 1997, the state reports just 317 bison killed. More than four thousand [have been] successfully hazed back into the park.

But today there are a thousand more bison in Yellowstone Park than management plans call for, creating concerns that another severe winter could lead to a repeat mass slaughter.

"We’re dealing with a hundred head of cattle next to Yellowstone Park that is driving a policy that is costing America’s tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars and slaughtering the last remnant wild herd of buffalo in America," says an opponent of the policy.

[Its] a small price to pay according to livestock officials, when it comes to Montana cattle, a billion dollar plus industry, where any new outbreak of brucellosis, they say, could potentially cost ranchers millions.

Further discussion:
Brucellosis is a highly infectious disease. It is caused by the bacteria Brucella. The bacteria can infect even humans. If people come in contact with sick animals or contaminated animal by-products, they can get sick. Some of the symptoms are back pains, headaches, flu and weakness. In underdeveloped countries, they are many more cases of animals with brucellosis. The United States has 100-200 cases per year.







Slang of the Day: bling bling (noun)
shows of wealth, such as gold jewelry, diamonds, expensive cars, etc.

John came into the club wearing so much bling bling that it hurt our eyes to look at him.

Celebrity quote:
"I like early hip-hop. Schooly D and Ice T. That kinda stuff. When the lyrics were about street life, not ‘Look at my Benz an’ my Bitches an’ my Bling-Bling.’ Jam Master Jay was a genius, by the way. I loved the beat behind Rock Box."
-Rodney Anonymous of the group Dead Milkmen

As the Big Brovas note in the song Gotta Get, If you want the bling bling you gotta have chi-ching. Chi-ching, also called ching-ching and ka-ching, is money. The word comes from the sound of a cash register ringing up a sale.

Although the expression bling bling comes from hip-hop culture, it seems to be finding its way into the mainstream. A recent magazine advertisement for Hummers reads, B to the L to the I to the N to the G. In case you are not a car enthusiast, the Hummer is an incredibly huge and expensive vehicle originally built for military use. It has become a big status symbol in the US and is the ultimate bling bling. Its base price is over $110, 000 – thats the cost of a three bedroom house in Chicago. Of course, if you live in Boston, as I do, you need at least twice as much chi-ching to buy a little condominium, so you may as well get the car and sleep in it!

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