2003.08.27 – MONEY

2003.augusztus 27. ÜDVÖZÖLJÜK! g NYELVISKOLA HÍREK Szia! Mai levelünkb?l hasznos kifejezéseket tanulhatsz meg a pénzzel kapcsolatban. A héten kapott hallgatói kérdésünkre pedig most nem válaszolunk, inkább szeretnénk feladni feladványként nektek. Jó tanulást!   2003 augusztus 29. jelentkez? hallgatók havonta akár 20 ingyenes foglalkozáson vehetnek részt. f f f NAPI TÉMA s PHRASAL VERBS pan out

2003.augusztus 27.





Mai levelünkb?l hasznos kifejezéseket tanulhatsz meg a pénzzel kapcsolatban. A héten kapott hallgatói kérdésünkre pedig most nem válaszolunk, inkább szeretnénk feladni feladványként nektek. Jó tanulást!


2003 augusztus 29. jelentkez? hallgatók havonta akár 20 ingyenes foglalkozáson vehetnek részt.

f f f




pan out (no object): succeed; happen as expected (for plans). (Note: almost always negative when in statements.)
"I’ll be here next week after all. My trip to Chicago didn’t pan out."

pass away (no object): die.
"I was very sorry to hear that your grandfather passed away."

pass out (1. no object): faint; lose consciousness.
"When Ella heard that she’d won a million dollars, she was so shocked that she passed out."

pass out (2. separable): distribute.
"Everyone in the room needs one of these information sheets. Who will help me pass them out?"

pick out (separable): choose; select.
"Billy’s grandmother especially liked her birthday card because Billy had picked it out himself."





Várjuk a nyelvtani kérdéseket!




Ebben a kis összefoglalóban az igeidõket olyan sorrendben magyarázzuk el, ahogy azokat tanulni érdemes, tehát nem kategóriákban, mint például: jelen idõk, jövõ idõk, múlt idõk. Minél több igeidõt tudsz annál választékosabban tudod majd magad kifejezni, és annál árnyaltabban tudod majd leírni a cselekvéseket.
tovább >>>



The money in your pocket

  • Dosh, dough, wedgeThese are informal terms for money.
  • A fiver , A tenner . – £5, £10
  • Twenty quid£20
  • A ton £100
  • A grand£1,000
  • Loose changecoins
  • I’ve only got a few coppers. – I only have a few 2p and 1p coins.
  • Plasticcredit/debit cards

Having a lot

  • She’s loaded . She’s stinking rich . – She’s got lots of money.
  • Trustafarians People who receive money from their family or an allowance; the word is a play on Rastafarian (a believer in a religion which originated in Jamaica).
  • I’ll buy you dinner, I’m cashed up tonight! – I’ve got plenty of money!

Not having any

  • I’m skint / broke . I haven’t got a penny . – I haven’t got any money!
  • I’m a bit short this month. – I don’t have much money till I get paid.
  • I can’t afford it! – It’s too expensive for me, I don’t have enough money.
  • I’ve reached my credit limit.I can’t spend any more money on my credit cards.
  • He lost his job last year and had to sign on . / go on the dole . – He’s now out of work and receiving financial help from the government. [If you sign on, you go to a government office and sign a form each fortnight to declare you are available for work.]

People who don’t like spending it

  • He never buys a round ; he’s really tight. / tight fisted. / stingy. That guy never buys drinks for other people – he’s mean / ungenerous.
  • He opened his wallet and a moth flew out ! – He rarely spends his money. [Moths tend to live in clothes which don’t get used very often – so someone mean never opens his / her wallet!]

Some phrases

  • That piano’s worth a fortune ! – That piano is worth a lot of money.
  • It cost an arm and a leg! It cost a lot of money.
  • They get paid peanuts ! – They get paid badly.
  • That restaurant’s a real rip-off ! – That restaurant overcharges; it doesn’t represent value for money.
  • They don’t have two pennies to rub together . – They are very poor.
  • The business went bust. The business was declared bankrupt.
  • That last bill completely cleaned me out ! – That bill used up all of my money.
  • I’m skint. I blew my salary on a new hi-fi. – I’ve spent all my wages.




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