2003.08.15 – Animal Idioms

2003.augusztus 15.                                          ÜDVÖZÖLJÜK! g       NYELVISKOLA HÍREK Szia! Mai levelünkkel új formában jelentünk meg. Az átalakításra azért volt szükség, mert a legtöbben azt kérték, hogy legyenek a tananyagok rövidebbek, de sokkal rendszeresebbek. Ezért egy nagyobb napi témát küldünk és kett? kisebb rovatot. Várjuk a visszajelzéseket az új levelekre, valamint minden kreatív ötletet, hogy mivel

2003.augusztus 15.





Mai levelünkkel új formában jelentünk meg. Az átalakításra azért volt szükség, mert a legtöbben azt kérték, hogy legyenek a tananyagok rövidebbek, de sokkal rendszeresebbek. Ezért egy nagyobb napi témát küldünk és kett? kisebb rovatot.
Várjuk a visszajelzéseket az új levelekre, valamint minden kreatív ötletet, hogy mivel b?vítsük szolgáltatásunkat.
Amennyiben nyelvtani kérdése lenne, vagy csak elakadt a tanulásban akkor bátran forduljon Nórához.


2003 augusztus 22. jelentkez? hallgatók havonta akár 20 ingyenes foglalkozáson vehetnek részt.

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                            NAPI TÉMA



idiom noun
1 [C] a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word understood on its own:
To "have bitten off more than you can chew" is an idiom that means you have tried to do something which is too difficult for you.

2 [C][U] FORMAL the style of expression in writing, speech or music that is typical of a particular period, person or group:
Both operas are very much in the modern idiom.

idiomatic adjective
"Bite the bullet" is an idiomatic expression that means to accept something unpleasant without complaining.
She was born in Italy but her English is fluent and idiomatic (= completely natural and correct in grammar and style).




face up to (inseparable): admit to; take responsibility for.

"You can’t pretend that you’re doing OK in this course, Joe. Sooner or later, you’ll have to face up to the fact that you’re failing it."



Várjuk a nyelvtani kérdéseket!




Ebben a kis összefoglalóban az igeidõket olyan sorrendben magyarázzuk el, ahogy azokat tanulni érdemes, tehát nem kategóriákban, mint például: jelen idõk, jövõ idõk, múlt idõk. Minél több igeidõt tudsz annál választékosabban tudod majd magad kifejezni, és annál árnyaltabban tudod majd leírni a cselekvéseket.
tovább >>>



  1. Wow! It’s raining cats and dogs today! I wish I’d brought my umbrella to school!
    a. I forgot my umbrella today.
    b. It’s raining heavily.
    c. Cats and dogs are falling from the sky.
    Answer b


  2. When I told my mom I would be home around 2 am, she had a cow!
    a. My mom bought a baby cow.
    b. My mom is really strange.
    c. My mom was really upset.
    Answer c


  3. Jean: How did you know it was my birthday today?
    Susan: Oh, a little birdie told me!
    a. Jean told Susan it was her birthday.
    b. An unnamed person told Susan about Jean’s birthday.
    c. Susan told Jean it was her birthday.
    Answer b


  4. Frank: Why didn’t your brother ride the roller coaster with us?
    Sam: Oh, he’s such a scaredy cat! He won’t get on any fast ride.
    a. Sam’s brother is afraid to ride the roller coaster.
    b. Sam’s brother is a cat.
    c. Sam’s brother didn’t go to the roller coaster.
    Answer a


  5. When the telephone salesman told me I could buy some concert tickets for only $10.00 if I gave him my credit card number, it seemed a little fishy to me, so I hung up the phone.
    a. I thought the telephone salesman smelled like a fish and I didn’t like that.
    b. I thought the phone salesman was a dangerous fish and he scared me.
    c. I thought the phone salesman was dishonest and I felt suspicious of him.
    Answer c


  6. I never learned how to use a computer, so I lost my job to a new employee. It’s a dog-eat-dog world.
    a. Only the strong or the best survive.
    b. Dogs are eating dogs at the office.
    c. Dogs like to eat dogs for lunch.
    Answer a






The teenagers look high to me.
Meaning intoxicated on drugs or alcohol


He is such a hip-shooter.
Meaning always talking without thinking


I don’t have any idea where my old boyfriend is. He’s history.
Meaning something in the past


Your proposal was a hit with the boss.
Meaning successful


hole up
I had to hole up for three days because the police were looking for me.
Meaning hide


The honcho says that we are going to have to give up two days of our vacation.
Meaning boss


Her clothes make her look like a hooker.
Meaning prostitute


The police stopped them because they thought the car was hot.
Meaning stolen


I will do it soon so please don’t get huffy.
Meaning angry


If you are not hungry, you won’t get ahead in the business.
Meaning eager to make money


If you don’t hustle, we will be late again.
Meaning hurry up


The fans were all hyped up for the football game.
Meaning excited


Don’t get hyper about what she told you. You know it isn’t true.
Meaning over excited


Can you show me some I.D. please?
Meaning identification


The tie you are wearing is really in.
Meaning fashionable

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