Ma tovább folytatjuk a hajós témát, és a világ egyik leghíresebb hajójáról (nem a Titanic:- ) olvashatsz, amely arról is híres, hogy szellemek is laknak rajta. A szöveghez tartozik egy audió is (amelyet le is tölthetsz)!
Jó tanulást!
Te is életed nagy lehetőségére vársz?
Mi segítünk, hogy megvalósíthasd álmaidat!
Jelentkezz hamarosan induló Pincér, hajóspincér tanfolyamunkra, hogy Te is beutazhasd a világot, miközben pénzt takarítasz meg! Tanfolyamunk esti képzésben indul, így munka mellett is elvégezheted. A sikeres vizsga után pedig csak rajtad múlik, hogy itthoni/külföldi étteremben vagy folyami-, esetleg óceánjáró hajón dolgozol!
Jelentkezésedet 2010. október 4-ig várjuk
a szöveghez tartozó audiót itt hallgathatod meg:
RMS) Royal Mail Ship Queen Mary is a retired ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967. It is permanently moored in Long Beach, California where she has become a popular tourist attraction serving as a museum ship and hotel. The former ocean liner and war ship has the nickname “Grey Ghost” and is said to be haunted by various ghosts in many areas aboard the ship.
The engine room is said to be haunted by a man crushed by a door during a fire drill. The first class swimming pool has had numerous sightings of people in period bathing suits, while sounds of water splashing have also been heard. The Queen Mary’s third class children’s playroom is said to be haunted by the cries of an infant who died on board, while the Queen’s salon has had various sightings of a woman dancing in a white evening gown. Some of the first class suites have had supernatural occurrences, as well. Reports of a man appearing in a mirror, running water, tugging of bed covers, phones ringing in the middle of the night and lights turning on and off have been on-going for years.
The ship now operates as a museum and hotel. Book a night to discover the past of the Queen Mary! 1 night in a standard room for 2 people starts from $ 163 including self-guided tours (Ghost and Legend, Behind the Scenes, World War II). Meals and parking are not included in the price but you can enjoy a romantic dinner at one of the many award-winning Long Beach restaurants, each offering a beautiful ocean view.
Address: 1126 Queen’s Highway, Long Beach, CA 90802, USA
Admission fee: children from $ 13, adults from $ 25/ tour or $ 50/ Paranormal Shipwalk Tour or $ 75/ Paranormal Investigation Tour
permanently – állandó jelleggel
moored – lehorgonyzott
fire drill – tűzoltógyakorlat
period bathing suit – korabeli fürdőruha
supernatural occurrence – természetfeletti jelenség
tugging – huzigáló, rángató