Szia !
Ma tovább folytatjuk a zenés leckéket. Bevallom hétfőn egy kicsit elhamarkodottan mondtam, hogy dél-amerikai országokkal kapcsolatban lesznek a dalok, mivel a mai Kubához kapcsolódik (ami a karib térségben van), a holnapi pedig Észak/Közép-Amerikához… na mindegy, a lényeg az angol nyelv meg a a zene!
Ha van időd, akkor ma nézd az MTV műsorán a Nappalit 10 óra tájban, ahol velem fognak beszélgetni pont a zenés nyelvtanulásról!
Jó tanulást!
Üdv, Nóri
The Republic of Cuba is home to more than 11 million people. Here I will tell you some interesting facts about Cuba that you probably don’t know!
– On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba and claimed the island for the Kingdom of Spain.
– Tourists in Cuba mainly come from Canada and Europe.
– Over three quarters of Cuba’s food is imported from other countries.
– Large oil deposits have been found in the North Cuba Basin.
– Cuban food is fusion of Spanish and Caribbean foods.
– People in Cuba have a slightly higher life expectancy that people in the United States.
– A parent who teaches their child any ideas that are contrary to communism can go to jail for up to 3 years.
– Cuba is famous around the world for making top quality cigars.
– Very few people in Cuba are granted permission to use the Internet. Those that do have their activity monitored closely. People who connect to the Internet without permission could receive up to 5 years in jail.
to claim – követel, igényel three quarters – háromnegyed fusion – egyveleg slightly – enyhén life expectancy – várható életkor contrary to … – …-val/-vel ellenkező permission – engedély to be monitored – figyelve van
Orishas Feat. Heather Headley: Represent Cuba (Dirty Dancing 2)
Hey, mi musica, Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, Hey, tu musica
Te quiero Havana, The rhythym’ pumping in my heart, In La Rosa we dance to the tempo of the love, boy, Your hip’s making a shift, and you fall deep into its spell, let your body talk, till voice in you says, say baby
I’m the one you find deep in that move, that drives your body and your senses, I’m the heat inside, when rhythym and love collide, Cuba, let me introduce myself Cubaaaaaaaaaaa!
Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, hey, mi musica
Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, hey, tu musica
Ven que te quiero cantar de corazon asi La historia de mis raices Rumba son y guaguanco todo mezclado Pa’ que lo bailes tu Mira, ay quien no baila en la habana
I’m the one you find deep in that move, that drives your body and your senses, I’m the heat inside, when rhythym and love collide, Cuba, let me introduce myself Cubaaaaaaaaaaa!
Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, Hey, mi musica
Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, Hey, tu musica
Asi que mueve, mueve tu culete a mi son como un chupete
Shake it, shake it, trae queque, my flow My life, my style, sete peque, aqui mi ruso con el prete aqui la cucu con el pepe sientate, relajate, escucha esto que ponemos un poco de te, de musica cubana, rumba y sentimiento cambio si, orishas, move your body Move your body, body, Move your body, body
Bring down your last defence Feel your innocence Slip into the light, Baby hold on tight
Bring down your last defence Feel your innocence Slip into the light, Baby hold on tight Let me introduce myself, Cubaaaaaaa
Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, Hey, mi musica Represent, Represent, Cuba, Orishas Orishas underground de Havana Represent, Represent, Cuba, Hey, tu musica