Hasznos-hangos párbeszéd családi összejövetellel kapcsolatban kifejezésgyűjteménnyel.
Letölthető tartalmak
Wife: Dad has just told me that uncle Tom is coming home for two weeks in November. I don’t think you’ve ever met him. He couldn’t make it when we had our wedding.
Husband: Is he the one who lives in Switzerland?
Wife: Yes, exactly. They moved there 30 years ago. He rarely comes home and it’s always a big event when he finally does. He would like to see the whole family in a big reunion.
Husband: The whole family? That won’t be easy. How many people are we talking about?
Wife: Well, let me see. Dad and Mum, my two brothers and sister-in-laws, Uncle Tom’s sister and her family, all the cousins, nieces and nephews. I don’t know. About 70-80 people if my calculations are correct.
Husband: Who is going to organise the party?
Wife: It seems that I am the lucky one. But I don’t really know where to start. Can you help?
Husband: We should find a place first that is big enough for so many people. That’s step number one. Then we should contact the people and set a date that suits everyone. Do you know all the family members Uncle Tom wants to invite?
Wife: I don’t think so. Some of them are on Facebook, but not many. I know some addresses and phone numbers, but I’ll have to consult Mum. She’s always been the source of information in the family. Anyway, I think it will be fun to meet the whole family. It’s an absolutely special and rare occasion.
Husband: Sure. Especially for the kids. I don’t think they know many of your relatives. And they will definitely be happy to play with their cousins.
Wife: It’s high time they met the elderly relatives as well. They love the stories their grandpa and grandma tell them about the good old times, now they’ll have the chance to meet the people in person.
Husband: I can’t wait to see their reactions.
I don’t think you’ve ever met him. – Nem hiszem, hogy valaha is találkoztál vele.
He couldn’t make it.– Nem tudott eljönni.
Is he the one who…? – Ő az, aki….?
Yes, exactly. – Igen, pontosan.
That won’t be easy. – Az nem lesz könnyű.
Well, let me see. – Hát, nézzük csak!
if my calculations are correct – ha jól számolom
It seems I’m the lucky one. – Úgy tűnik, én vagyok a szerencsés.
I don’t really know where to start. – Nem igazán tudom, hogy hol kellene elkezdeni.
That’s step number one. – Az az első lépés.
I’ll have to consult… . – Tanácsot kell kérnem…-től.
Sure. – Igen. Így igaz.
It’s high time … . – Éppen ideje, hogy…
the good old times – a régi szép idők
I can’t wait to see… . – Alig várom, hogy lássam…
wedding – esküvő
rarely – ritkán
big event – nagy esemény
reunion – összejövetel, találkozó
sister-in-law –sógornő
cousin – unokatestvér
niece – unokahúg
nephew – unokaöcs
to set a date – kijelölni egy dátumot
to suit – megfelelő
source of information – információforrás
rare – ritka
especially – különösen
relative – rokon
elderly – idős
in person – személyesen