Man: Shall we go and see the new Johnny Depp movie?
Woman: What is he playing now? Another weirdo?
Man: C’mon, he’s a brilliant character actor.
Woman: He is, but I don’t want to see any more of Jack Sparrow’s antics.
Man: That one is still in the making. This is a historical film.
Woman: What else?
Man: No chick flicks, please!
Woman: Chick flicks? Have I ever made you watch chick flicks?
Man: Just kidding. How about a 3D movie? This one has great reviews.
Woman: Who’s in it?
Man: Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. “Alfonso Cuarón’s glorious creation, less sci-fi and more a thriller set in space, makes you breathless with excitement…”
Woman: Sounds good. What was the last one we saw called? The one with Clooney, Brad Pitt and all those guys robbing a hotel or something?
Man: It’s nothing like Ocean’s 13. All those big names didn’t make it half as interesting as this one sounds.
Woman: Any chance of a good laugh? No cartoons? We could take the kids along.
Man: I’d really like to watch Gravity tonight and let’s take the kids out tomorrow.
Woman: All right. But it will be my turn to pick something next week.
Shall we go … ? – Elmegyünk …?
What is he playing? – Mit játszik?
to be in the making – még készülőben van
What else? – Valami egyéb?
Have I ever made you … ? – Kényszerítettelek én valaha arra, hogy … ?
Just kidding. – Csak poénkodom.
Who’s in it? – Ki játszik benne?
makes you breathless with excitement – eláll a lélegzeted az izgalomtól
Sounds good. – Jól hangzik.
it’s nothing like – egyáltalán nem olyan, mint
half as … as – feleannyira olyan …, mint
Any chance of …? – Nincs esetleg …? Nincs arra lehetőség, hogy …?
weirdo – fura alak
character actor – karakterszínész
antics – bohóckodás
historical film – történelmi film
chick flick – csajfilm
to make someone do something – valakit valamire kényszeríteni
review – kritika
sci-fi – sci-fi, tudományos fantasztikus
to be set in – játszódik valahol
cartoon – rajzfilm
to take someone along – magával vinni valakit
it’s someone’s turn – következik, ő van soron
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