The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Kisses Amy


Jöjjön ismét egy kis Big Bang - természetesen videóval, szöveggel és feladattal.

The Big Bang Theory – Sheldon Kisses Amy

Amy:Why are you still here?

Sheldon:Excuse me. I think you’re being a little rude.

Amy:I’m being rude? You’ve been rude to me this entire evening.

Sheldon:How is that possible? I’ve hardly spoken to you since we got on the train.

Man:I’m detecting a little friction between you two, and I don’t want to be a third rail. Get it?

Sheldon:I get it.


Sheldon:What is your problem?

Amy:It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re supposed to be having a romantic weekend.

Sheldon:Oh, really? Because I remember you saying that this trip was going to be something we could both enjoy. Did you mean that, or were you just trying to trick me?

Amy:Fine, it’s true. I deserve romance, and I didn’t know how else to make it happen.

Sheldon:Well, if you want romance, then let’s have romance. Oh, look, there’s wine. Mmm. Grape juice that burns. Uh, now let’s gaze into each other’s eyes, hmm? You blinked. I win.


Sheldon:Let’s see. What’s next? Oh, kissing’s romantic.

Amy:That was nice.

Sheldon:Good. Um, the conductor said if I come back to the engine room, he’d show me how to bring the train through a crossing.

Amy:Okay, have fun.

Sheldon:Do you want to come with me?

Amy:Really? I do.

Man:Hey, guys, wait up.

Watch the episode again and fill in the gaps, please.

Amy:Why are you still here?

Sheldon:Excuse me. I think 1. _________ a little rude.

Amy:I’m being rude? You’ve been rude to me this entire evening.

Sheldon:How is that 2. _______? I’ve hardly spoken to you since we got on the train.

Man:I’m detecting a little friction 3. __________, and I don’t want to be a third rail. Get it?

Sheldon:I get it.


Sheldon:What is your problem?

Amy:It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re supposed to be having a 4. __________.

Sheldon:Oh, really? Because I remember you saying that 5. __________ was going to be something we could 6. __________. Did you mean that, or were you just trying to 7. _________?

Amy:Fine, it’s true. I deserve romance, and I didn’t know how else to make it happen.

Sheldon:Well, if you want romance, then let’s have romance. Oh, look, there’s wine. Mmm. Grape juice 8. __________. Uh, now let’s gaze into each other’s eyes, hmm? You blinked. 9. ________  .


Sheldon:Let’s see. What’s next? Oh, kissing’s romantic.

Amy:That was nice.

Sheldon:Good. Um, the conductor said if I come back to the engine room, he’d show me how to 10. __________ through a crossing.

Amy:Okay, have fun.

Sheldon:Do you want to come with me?

Amy: Really? I do.

Man:Hey, guys, wait up.


1.    you’re being

2.    possible

3.    between you two

4.    romantic weekend

5.    this trip

6.    both enjoy

7.    trick me

8.    that burns

9.    I win

10.  bring the train



bunkó, udvariatlan

entire evening

az egész este alatt



to detect something

lenyomozni valamit



to be a third rail

harmadik kerék (a felesleges harmadik bizonyos helyzetekben)

to be supposed to do something

valamit kellene csinálni

to deserve


to gaze into each other’s eyes

mélyen belenézni egymás szemébe

to blink




engine room

gépház, gépterem



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