How To Survive Valentine’s Day If You Are Single

Azok se keseredjenek el, akik most egyedülállóak. Íme néhány tanács nekik Valentin-napra. Előbb a videót nézd meg, azután a jobb érthetőség kedvéért szöveggel is hallgasd meg.

Single on Valentine’s Day? Well, VideoJug shows you how to survive on the most romantic of days if you are all alone. Learn how to celebrate your single status on Valentine’s day- you might even find your own true love!

Step 1: Don’t mope
Walking around with a face like a wet weekend and crying into your coffee will make you feel worse. Do you really want other people’s smug sympathy as they discuss their romantic, over priced dinner plans? No. Feeling sorry for yourself is not the way to go; unless you want to look like a complete loser.

Step 2: Don’t be a cynic
It may be easy to sneer at the brash commercialism of Valentine’s day – especially when you will be bombarded with cheap adverts for the preceding two weeks, but don’t. Not only will you be spoiling other people’s fun but it will look like sour grapes. It may be fun, but avoid pointing out they are paying through the nose for cheap useless tat and that St Valentine himself was actually murdered on this day. You will only feel better for a moment or two.

Step 3: Ignore it
Treat the day just like any other. Although you may have to avoid listening to the radio or watching TV which will be swamped with slushy programmes. Take yourself off to the cinema instead – just make sure it’s not a romantic movie.

Step 4: Cheat
Send yourself a card to your work address signed from ‘Your Secret Valentine’. Or even better, send a few. And chocolates and roses. When asked who sent them just give a knowing smile. The expense will be well worth it, and you get to enjoy the chocs and flowers yourself.

Step 5: Celebrate your singleness
Spend the day being thankful for being single and not feeling obliged to send someone a tacky teddy bear carrying a heart. Get your other single friends together and have a raucous fun night out. Many clubs now specialise in single Valentine’s nights -so make the most of it and play the field.

Step 6: Take a holiday
Valentine’s day is only celebrated on February the 14th in certain countries. A bit of winter sun may be just what you need.


to mope – szomorkodik
to sneer at sb – csúfondáros megjegyzést tesz valakire
to be bombarded – bombázott (valaki valamivel)
to pay through the nose – borsos árat fizet
tacky – csiricsáré
raucous – hangos

with the permission of Videjug