‘Fawlty Towers’ hotel in Torquay to be demolished


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‘Fawlty Towers’ hotel in Torquay to be demolished

The hotel that inspired Fawlty Towers is to be knocked down and replaced with retirement flats.

John Cleese based the TV sitcom on the Gleneagles Hotel in Torquay after staying there with the Monty Python team in 1973.

Churchill Retirement Living will convert the site after its plans were approved by Torbay Council.

Former owner Donald Sinclair unwittingly became the inspiration for Cleese’s character Basil Fawlty.

The 41-bedroom hotel ceased trading early this year and Churchill Retirement Living applied to use the site for 36 retirement apartments.

Torbay Council’s development management committee originally denied the application as they felt it was “too large and unsympathetic to the area”.

A smaller, revised scheme was accepted by the council.

It will involve knocking down the three-star hotel and building 21 one-bed and 11 two-bedroom apartments, with a guest suite and two communal lounges.

Planning officers allowed the change of use of the site from tourist accommodation to residential as the former hotel was found to be “commercially unviable“.

Fawlty Towers, voted number one in the British Film Institute’s 100 Greatest Television Programmes in 2000, ran for just 12 episodes.

source: BBC


Manuel Practices His English – Fawlty Towers – BBC

MANUEL: You see, I speak English well. I learn it from a book. Hello. I am English. Hullooo.

How are you, sir? I can speak English. Oh, hello, Major. How are you today?

MAJOR: I’m… I’m… I’m… …fine, thank you.

MANUEL: Is a beautiful day today.

MAJOR: Is it? Yes, yes, I suppose it is.

MANUEL: Yes, I can speak English. I learn it from a book.

MAJOR: Did you? Did you really? There you are, Fawlty.

BASIL: Yes, I’m just going to open up, Major.

MAJOR: Oh, fine. I say, that’s a remarkable animal you have there, Fawlty. Where did you get it?

BASIL: Samson’s, in the town.

MAJOR: Really? Was it expensive?

BASIL: Twelve pounds, I think.

MAJOR: Good Lord. Japanese, was it?

BASIL: Canadian, I think, major.

MAJOR: I didn’t know the Canadians were as clever as that. My God.

BASIL: He started early.


to demolish


to knock down

lebontani, lerombolni

to replace with

helyettesíteni valamivel

retirement flat

nyugdíjas apartman


szitkom, szituációs komédia

to stay


to convert


to approve






to cease trading

megszűnik működni (üzlet)

to apply


development management committee

fejlesztési bizottság

to deny




to revise

korrigálni, felülvizsgálni



guest suite

vendég lakosztály

communal lounge

társalgó, közösségi tér

commercially unviable

üzleti szempontból életképtelen

to suppose

feltenni, gondolni




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