Fawlty Towers: A room with a view


Jöjjön most ismét egy szállodás jelenet a Fawlty Towers, azaz a Waczak Szálló című örökzöld sorozatból. 

Basil: Good morning Madam. Can I help you?

Mrs Richards: Are you the manager?

Basil: I am the owner, Madam.

Mrs Richards: What?

Basil: I am the owner.

Mrs Richards: I want to speak to the manager.

Basil: I am the manager too.

Mrs Richards: What?

Basil: I am the manager as well.

Manuel: Mana(h)er, him mana(h)er!

Basil: Shut up!

Mrs Richards: Oh…! You’re What!

Basil: …. I’m the manager.

Mrs Richards: Watt?

Basil: I’m … the … manager.

Mrs Richards: Yes, I know, you’ve just told me, what’s the matter with you? Now listen to me. I’ve booked a room with a bath. When I book a room with a bath I expect to get a bath.

Basil: You’ve got a bath.

Mrs Richards: I’m not paying seven pounds twenty pence per night plus VAT for a room without a bath.

Basil: There is your bath.

Mrs Richards: You call that a bath? It’s not big enough to drown a mouse. It’s disgaceful.

Basil: (muttering) I wish you were a mouse, I’d show you.

Mrs Richards: And another thing – I asked for a room with a view.

Basil: (to himself) Deaf, mad and blind. This is the view as far as I can remember, madam. Yes, this is it.

Mrs Richards: When I pay for a view I expect something more interesting than that.

Basil: That is Torquay, Madam.

Mrs Richards: Well, it’s not good enough.

Basil: Well … may I ask what you were hoping to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeeste sweeping majestically … ?

Mrs Richards: Don’t be silly. I expect to be able to see the sea.

Basil: You can see the sea. It’s over there between the land and the sky

Mrs Richards: I’d need a telescope to see that.

Basil: Well perhaps you should consider moving to a hotel closer to the sea. Or preferably in it.

Mrs Richards: Now listen to me; I’m not satisfied, but I have decided to stay here. However, I shall expect a reduction.

Basil: Why? Because Krakatoa’s not erupting at the moment?

Mrs Richards: Because the room is cold, the bath is too small, the view is invisible and the radio doesn’t work.

Basil: No, the radio works. You don’t.

Mrs Richards: What?

Basil: I’ll see if I can fix it, you scabby old bat.

[He turns the radio on to the limit.]

Basil: I think we got something then!

Mrs Richards: What!

Basil: I think we got something then!

Mrs Richards: What are you doing?

Manuel: Qué?

Basil: Madam, ….. don’t think me rude, but may I ask …. do you by chance have a hearing aid?

Mrs Richards: A what?

Basil: A hearing aid!!!

Mrs Richards: Yes, I do have a hearing aid.

Basil: Would you like me to get it mended?

Mrs Richards: Mended? It’s working perfectly all right.

Basil: No, it isn’t.

Mrs Richards: I haven’t got it turned on at the moment.

Basil: Why not?

Mrs Richards: The battery runs down. Now what sort of reduction are you going to give me on this room?

Basil: (whispering) sixty per cent if you turn that on.

Mrs Richards: What?

Basil: My wife handles all such matters, I’m sure she will be delighted to discuss it with you.

Mrs Richards: I shall speak to her after lunch.

Basil: You heard that all right, didn’t you.

Mrs Richards: What?

Basil: Thank you so much. Lunch will be served at half past twelve. … Manuel Manuel!


What’s the matter with you?

Mi a baja?/ Mi a bajod?

to book something

lefoglalni valamit

to expect

elvárni valamit





to mutter

motyog, mormog



as far as

már amennyire

a heard of




to sweep




to consider

számításba venni





to erupt

kitörni (vulkán)




koszos, rühes

hearing aid


to get something mended

megjavíttatani valamit



to run down


to be delighted to

boldognak lenni, hogy

to discuss


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