ER – Carter and Greene


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ER – Carter and Greene

Benton: A knife wound. I thought it was a gunshot wound.
Carter: Excuse me. I feel a little…
Benton: I didn’t need you anyway. Notify the O.R. Let’s get a room. Move him out. Here we go, buddy.
Greene: Jerry, hold that? … Feeling better?
Carter: I’ll be okay in a minute. It just got to me all of a sudden.
Greene: Keep your head down. There’s no rush. Just relax. It stopped raining.
Carter: I thought I was going to be sick. I’m sorry.
Greene: Don’t ever say you’re sorry. You see, there’s two kinds of doctors. There is the kind that gets rid of their feelings and the kind that keeps them. If you’re gonna keep your feelings, you’ll get sick sometimes. That’s just how it works. Keep your head down. People come in here and they’re sick, dying and bleeding and they need our help. Helping them is more important than how we feel. But it’s still a pain in the ass sometimes. Sometimes I just want to quit and do something else. Why don’t you take a few more minutes. By the way… I was in medical school with Benton. He used to get sick all the time. So don’t let him give you any crap. You’ll be fine.


knife wound

késszúrta seb

gunshot wound

lőtt seb

to notify


O.R. (operating room)




It just got to me

Elfogott valami (pl. érzés, gondolat)

all of a sudden


There's no rush.

Ráérünk. Nem kell sietni.

to be sick

rosszul lenni, hányni

to get rid of

megszabadulni valamitől

That's just how it works.

Egyszerűen így működik.

to bleed


a pain in the ass

zavaró, fárasztó, idegesítő dolog

to quit


to take a few minutes

pár perc szünetet tartani

medical school

orvosi egyetem

used to do something

régebben gyakran csinált valamit

to give someone crap

piszkálni, szívatni valakit

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