Blend in a bit! – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

Emily Blunt és gyermekei Angliában tartózkodtak a Mary Poppins forgatása alatt, férje – John Krasinski – pedig többször meglátogatta őket. Emily és John mesélnek arról, milyen is amerikainak lenni brit földön.

A videó megnézése után próbálj válaszolni a következő kérdésekre a videóban hallott információk alapján.

  1. Who did John have an unpleasant conversation with?
  2. What was this person like?
  3. What did this person ask from John?
  4. What was this person’s reaction to John’s answer?
  5. What three questions did this person put up?
  6. What was this man’s reaction to John’s last answer?
  7. What did Emily advice to John and why?
  8. What did John do?
  9. What did Graham Norton (interviewer) ask and how did Emily react to this question?
  10. Why did Emily say that their children were semi-American?

source (video and picture): Emily Blunt Wishes John Krasinski Would Be Less American, The Graham Norton Show, Youtube

keys/megoldások: 1. a Customs agent; 2. He was about John’s age and he seemed a bit grumpy.; 3. He asked if he was an actor and what he knew John from.; 4. He said strike one. (Strike one is the first. If someone makes some kind of mistake, you can say Strike 1, meaning they have two more chances to do the right thing. It can be kind of a joke.); 5. He asked who John was visiting, what he knew John’s wife from and what her name was.; 6. He said “You” in total disbelief and stamped his passport with fury.; 7. She advised him to stop wearing a baseball cap because it makes him look so American, he should blend in.; 8. He bought a tweed flat cap and walked down the street.; 9. He asked if their children were American and Emily noted that he said it with kind of sneering her.; 10. Because her oldest daughter became quite British sounding during the year that Emily was there for Mary Poppins and she was sort of saying things like bath and water in British pronunciation.


semi-American félig-amerikai
grumpy mogorva
disbelief hitetlenség
fury düh/harag
tweed flat cap gyapjúszövetből készült
to sneer gúnyos mosollyal kifejezni
to apologize bocsánatot kérni/
welcoming barátságos/
shooting (film)
to encourage bátorítani/
prejudice előítélet
dry heaves öklendezések/
száraz köhögések

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