Tom Hanks Recreates All His Movies In Under 8 Minutes


Nem egy új videó ez, de még mindig mókás :) Most leckét is csináltunk belőle. 

Tom Hanks must have the energy of ten men. When he’s not appearing in music videos by Carly Rae Jepsen and his wife Rita Wilson or helping Girl Scouts sell cookies, he’s giving his all to “The Late Late Show’s” host James Corden in one of the funniest TV segments we’ve seen in ages: “Every Tom Hanks Movie in 8 Minutes.” The Late Late Show With James Corden made its grand debut, with seemingly every celebrity in existence popping up to say hello. For his first official guest, Corden snagged everyone’s favorite actor: the one and only Tom Hanks. More importantly, he got Tom Hanks to get really silly and there are few things better than Hanks throwing caution to the wind and embracing his inner comedian. In this case, he got the two-time Oscar winner to re-enact all of his movies in less than eight minutes.

In a sketch Corden and Hanks stood in front of a green screen and recreated iconic and not-so-iconic moments from Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Big, Captain Phillips, Cast Away, Toy Story  and countless others  of the 58-year-old’s  films .

Tom Hanks managed to act out scenes from 29 of his biggest movies in less than eight minutes.

Pretty impressive, isn’t it?

The sketch is a deliberately hectic bit, with the two performers rapidly changing costumes and characters at a moment’s notice while the background swaps between various still photographs. The result is charming, with Hanks gleefully poking fun at his own career while Corden offers strong support, getting the chance to play everyone from Meg Ryan to Barkhad Abdi. If the mark of a successful modern late night host is to create sketches that instantlygo viral, then James Corden is off to a pretty strong start. Then again, it’s really hard to go wrong when you have someone as affable as Hanks in your corner.

Those amazing eight minutes made us very Hanks-ful for all of the good memories he’s created over the years.

Take it away, guys!

source: Today

Can you match the film titles with their Hungarian equvivalent?

1. Angels and Demons


A. Behálózva

2. You’ve Got Mail

B. Magas barna férfi felemás cipőben

3. The Green Mile

C. Alma a fájától

4. Sleepless in Seattle

D. Misztikus játék

5. Splash

E. Örökké búcsúzunk

6. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


F. A pénznyelő

7. The Money Pit

G. Legénybúcsú

8. Turner and Hooch

H. Ami sok, az sokk

9. Big

I. Rém hangosan és irtó közell

10. The Burbs

J. Angyalok és démonok

11. The Man with One Red Shoe


K.  A tökéletlen trükk

12. The Great Buck Howard

L. Mindörökké Elvis

13. Bachelor Party

M. Bazi nagy görög lagzi

14. Mazes and Monsters

N. Csobbanás

15. Every Time We Say Goodbye

O. Számkivetett

16. Nothing in Common

P. Halálsoron

17. Dragnet

Q. Játékháború

18. Toy Story

R. A szerelem hálójában

19. Elvis Has Left the Building


S. A szerelem hullámhosszán

20. Cast Away

T. Egyik kopó, másik eb

21. My Big Fat Greek Wedding


U. Segítség, felnőttem!

22. Catch Me If You Can

V. Polár Expressz

23. The Polar Express

W. Nyomul a banda

24. That Thing You Do

X. Felhőatlasz

25. Cloud Atlas

Z. Kapj el, ha tudsz!


1. J.

2.  R.

3. P.

4. S.

5. N.

6. I.

7. F.

8. T.

9. U.

10. H.

11. B.

12. K.

13. G.

14. D.

15. E.

16. C.

17. A.

18. Q.

19. L.

20. O

21. M.

22. Z.

23.  V.

24. W.

25. X.


Girl Scouts


he's giving his all

mindent belead




első fellépés, debütálás

to pop up

felbukkanni, betoppanni

to snag

megszerezni, lecsapni valamire

throwing caution to the wind

sutba dobva az óvatoskodást, nem törődve a következményekkel

to embrace

magára vesz, felvesz

to re-enact

újra eljátszani


rögtönzött jelenet





at a moment’s notice

egy pillanat leforgása alatt

to swap

cserélődni, változni

still photograph



vidáman, jókedvűen

to poke fun at somebody

tréfát űzni

to go viral

interneten rohamosan terjed

is off to a pretty strong start

erősen kezdett



to have somebody in your corner

számíthatsz valaki segítségére

Take it away! (Go ahead and do your acts.)

Gyerünk, játsszatok! (az előtt szokták mondani, mielőtt valaki színpadra lép vagy fellép valahol)

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