How to pay a compliment


Ebből a videóból megtanulhatod, hogyan kell bókolni valakinek.

Man: Good morning!
Woman: Morning!
Man: By the way, 
I just wanted to say well done on clinching that deal!
Woman: Oh, thanks. It wasn’t too difficult.
You’re being modest! You did really well.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: You’re a great manager, you know.
Woman: Do you think so?
Man: Oh yeah.
 I appreciate that.


Man:Have you cut your hair?
Woman: Oh yes, I did actually. 
Thanks for noticing!
Man: Where did you get it done?
Woman: Oh, just that place on the high street.
Man: They did a great job and it looks great with the outfit.
Woman: Do you think so?
Man: Oh yeah. Very … fashionable.
Woman: Oh, it’s just an old thing.
Man: Well, 
you’ve got a great sense of style.
Woman: Thank you, you too.
Man: Thank you.


Man:Nice perfume, too. Is that Dream?
Woman: Well, yes it is, actually.
Man: You wear it well.
I’m flattered.
Man: My pleasure.
Woman: Listen, do you want something?
Man: No.
 I’m just being polite, you know.
Woman: Hmmm.

I just wanted to say well done on … – Csak azt akartam mondani, hogy nagyon jó munkát végeztél a …
You’re being modest! – Csak szerénykedsz!
You did really well. – Nagyon jól csináltad.
I appreciate that. – Nagyra értékelem.
Thanks for noticing. – Köszönöm, hogy észrevetted.
You’ve got a great sense of style. – Nagyon jó ízlésed van.
I’m flattered. – Örömmel tölt el./Le vagyok nyűgözve.
I’m just being polite, you know. – Csak udvariaskodom, tudod.

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