Ebből a kis videóból megtanulhatod, hogy hogyan kell udvariasan megkérni valakit, hogy ismételjen meg valamit.
Man: (Mumbling “Have you seen a green pen anywhere?”)
Woman: I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.
Man: (Mumbling)
Woman: Could you say that again?
Man: (Mumbling “Green pen, see it anywhere?”)
Woman: I’m sorry…er I still didn’t get that.
Man: (Trying very hard but still mumbling)
Woman: Could you say that again?
Man: (slightly frustrated and mumbling again)
Woman: One more time?
Man: (Mumbling)
Woman: No. Sorry. Nothing.
Man: (Mumbling)
Woman: Look! I can’t hear a word you’re saying.
Man: I said “Have you seen a green…pen”…oh, there it is!
to mumble – motyog
I didn’t quite catch that. – Nem igazán vettem/értettem ezt.
Could you say that again? – El tudnád mondani még egyszer?
I still didn’t get that. – Még mindig nem értem.
I can’t hear a word you’re saying. – Egy szót sem értek abból, amit mondasz.