Hallgasd meg milyen tanácsokat adnak az élethez mostani 100 évesek! Készítettünk egy kis feladatot is a végére!
You’ve probably been told at some point or another that you can learn a lot from your elders. Auto manufacturer Dodge has now gathered a whole bunch of them—many more than 100 years old—to impart some of the wisdom they’ve gained over their long lives. The result is a new ad commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first Dodge. In the spot, men and women as old as 106 share the type of hard-earned knowledge that only comes from a long life on this Earth. Their responses start sweet and then…we won’t spoil it.
source: Time
at some point or another – valamikor
your elders – a nálad idősebbek
manufacturer – gyártó
a bunch of – egy csomó
to impart wisdom – bölcsességet megosztani
to commemorate – megemlékezni valamiről
spot – rövid TV műsor, reklám, hír
hard-earned – nehéz munkával megszerzett
to spoil something – elrontani valamit
Fill in the gaps based on the video.
1. I am a hundred and six years old and I know a lot about ……………….. .
2. I want to tell the world what I ……………….. learned.
3. Learn from your ………………..! (Tanulj a hibáidból!)
4. Live for now ……………….. life is good. (Élj a mának …)
5. You ……………….. it good. (Te teszed jóvá.)
6. You will learn not to …………………
7. There are ……………….. all around you.
8. Be ………………..!
9. Always ……………….. the truth.
10. Keep your eyes open and sometimes your ……………….. shut.
11. Don’t ……………….., bitch! (Ne panaszkodj, szivasd őket!)
12. Don’t be ………………..!
13. Don’t ……………….. do what you’re told to do.
14. Don’t be a ………………… (Ne légy puhány!)
15. ……………….. it up. (Bírd ki és ne nyavalyogj!)
16. ……………….. and you’ll lose.
17. Be a ……………….. boy!
18. Raise ………………..! (Csináld a fesztivált!)
19. Put the ……………….. to the metal. (Tövig nyomd a gázt!)
20. Live ………………..!
21. And never ever ……………….. where you came from.
answers: 1- life 2-have 3-mistakes 4-because 5-make 6-cheat 7-miracles 8-strong 9-tell 10-mouth 11-complain 12-afraid 13-always 14-sissy 15-suck 16-hesitate 17-bad 18-hell 19-pedal 20-fast 21- forget