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Microsoft’s ‘Get It Done’ Campaign Raises Concerns About Working Too Much
Microsoft’s ‘Get It Done’ campaign stresses how easy technology has made it to work from anywhere, but many question if doing so is a good idea. Featured in it are statistics that show the percentages of people who keep plugging away regardless of where they are or what they’re doing. Those numbers were gathered by Microsoft with the help of Harris Interactive, Inc. Researchers found that among those polled 55% said they need the ability to get work done regardless of where they are. For 19 percent of them that includes in the bathroom. Nearly half said they’ve remotely participated in meetings while on vacation. Over a quarter reported that they’d performed work-related tasks while out for happy hour. Though the ad campaign certainly shows the flexibility technology provides, it’s also raised questions about whether taking advantage of it is a good idea. Among the concerns expressed is that individuals are increasingly packing more work into their day at the expense of their work performance and their health.
Can you find the words or expressions in the text that have the same or similar meaning?
1. one fourth of something
2. from a distance
3. worry
4. to take part
5. to make use of
6. to collect
7. to keep working hard
8. to interview in a survey
9. the ability to change easily
10. not depending on something
1. quarter
2. remotely
3. concern
4. to participate
5. to take advantage of
6. to gather
7. to plug away
8. to poll
9. flexibility
10. regardless of something
get it done |
legyen elvégezve, csináljuk meg |
concern |
aggodalom |
to question |
megkérdőjelezni |
to feature |
közölni, szerepeltetni |
percentage |
százalék |
to plug away |
kitartóan dolgozni |
regardless of |
függetlenül attól, hogy |
to gather |
összegyűjteni |
to poll |
megkérdezni felmérés keretében |
to include |
magában foglalni |
remotely |
távolról |
to participate |
részt venni valamiben |
quarter |
negyed |
to perform |
elvégezni |
work-related task |
munkához kapcsolódó tevékenység, feladat |
happy hour |
a nap olyan órái – általában délután – amikor az alkoholt árusító üzletek, bárok kedvezményes áron árulják a termékeiket |
ad campaign |
hirdetés kampány |
flexibility |
rugalmasság |
to provide |
biztosítani |
to take advantage of something |
kihasználni, előnyt kovácsolni valamiből |
individual |
ember, egyén |
at the expense of |
valaminek az árán |