Az igazi angol reggeli – videós lecke minden szintnek


Nézzük meg mit kell tudnu a híres angol reggeliről. Ki próbálta már? :)


Most pedig nézzük meg mit kell tudni erről az ételről (amellett,  hogy állítólag a legjobb “gyógyszer” másnaposság ellen:- )

What is a Full Breakfast?

Throughout Britain and Ireland the Full breakfast is very popular. It is traditionally served at breakfast time, but it is also popular at other times, usually replacing lunch. Rarely is it now served every day of the week, reserved instead for the weekend or on vacation in hotels and Bed and Breakfasts, where no stay would be complete without one. Each country in the UK and Ireland also have their own choice of accompaniments, it is up to the individual just how much they want on their plate and their preferences. You may find the following:

  • A Full English Breakfast may have Black Pudding, Baked Beans and Fried Bread.
  • A Full Scottish, as above but may also have, Potato Scones (Tattie Scones), Haggis and Oatcakes.
  • A Full Irish – Again, as above but may also have White Pudding and Soda Bread.
  • A Full Welsh – Laver bread or laver cakes. These are neither bread nor cakes but are made with seaweed, the cakes seaweed cooked with oatmeal.
  • An Ulster Fry is not dissimilar to a Full English but may also have soda bread and is served again, throughout the day.

The origins of the breakfast are unclear and believed to originate in the rural England as a sustaining meal to carry workers through a long morning. Though a ‘Full Breakfast’ is universally known and understood other terms used include – A Fry Up, A Full Monty, and in Ireland it is sometimes known as a Chub.

The key components of an English breakfast include:

  • bacon
  • sausages
  • eggs
  • tomatoes
  • baked beans
  • mushrooms
  • potatoes
  • fried bread
  • black pudding

Usually the eggs are fried, but for a lighter, healthier option they can be poached. The bacon can also be fried, but traditionally it is more often grilled until slightly crispy. A fresh tomato, halved and then grilled until browned, is much nicer than the tinned tomatoes or tinned baked beans so often substituted and hot toast completes the meal. Traditionally it is served with tea (with milk), although coffee and orange juice are usually also offered.

A variant on the above, called the “Full English Breakfast”, is a more substantial version which additionally contains a selection of the following:

  • one fried egg
  • one English-style sausage
  • two rashers of crispy fried bacon
  • a portion of fried mushrooms (browned)
  • two slices of fried black pudding (a type of sausage made with pig’s blood)
  • half a tomato, fried until brown
  • one slice of fried bread (a slice of white bread fried in oil, preferably the oil used to cook the bacon)

throughout – keresztül-kasul
to replace – helyettesít
accompaniment – kíséret, kísérő
individual – egyén, egyéni
preference – előny, kedvezés
black pudding – véres hurka
potato scone – krumplilángos
oatcake – zabpogácsa
white pudding – májas hurka
seaweed – hínár
unclear – nem tisztázott, zavaros
rural – vidéki
to sustain – elvisel, fenntart
poached egg – buggyantott tojás
slightly crispy – enyhén ropogós
substituted  – helyettesített
rasher – húsos szalonna

… és egy két érdekesség:

Mi az a HAGGIS?

A klasszikus recept szerint a birka szívét, máját és tüdejét felvágják, majd összekeverik zabbal, hagymával, az állat faggyújával és fűszerekkel, végül pedig az egészet beletöltik a birka gyomrába.


A “laver bread” pedig egy hús mellé köretként fogyasztott különös étel, ami egy sötétlila, tengeri hínárszerű növényből készül. Állítólag 5 órán keresztül rotyogtatják, mígnem összeáll egy sűrű, fekete zselés masszává.

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