Peppa Pig: Fancy Dress Party


Tanuljunk jelmezbálhoz kapcsolódó szókincset Peppa malaccal! Kezdőknek és gyerekeknek is ajánlott.

Narrator: Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party. All their friends are invited. Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess. And George is dressed as a dinosaur.

George: Grrr, dinosaur.

Narrator: Here are Peppa’s friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.

Narrator: Suzy is wearing her nurse’s costume.

Daddy Pig: Hello, Suzy.

Suzy Sheep: Hello, Mr. Pig.

Daddy Pig: I’m glad the nurse has arrived. Have you just come from the hospital?

Suzy Sheep: I’m not a real nurse. It’s just pretend.

Daddy Pig: Very good. My my, who have we here?

Danny Dog: I’m a pirate. Shiver me timbers.

Candy Cat: I’m a witch. I can turn you into a frog.

Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.

Daddy Pig: That’s funny.

Daddy Pig: What are you, Rebecca Rabbit?

Rebecca Rabbit: I’m a carrot.

Daddy Pig: Fantastic. Come in. There’s a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you.

Peppa Pig: Hello, everyone.

Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit: Hello, Peppa.

Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy. I’m princess Peppa. You must bow when you speak to me.

Suzy Sheep: Hello, your majesty. I’m nurse Suzy. Open wide and say, “Aah.”

Peppa Pig: Aah.

Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.

Rebecca Rabbit: Do something funny.

Danny Dog: Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?

Rebecca Rabbit: I like carrots.

George: Grrr, dinosaur.

Danny Dog: A scary dinosaur.

Narrator: Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.

Peppa Pig: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Peppa Pig: (as the mirror) You are, Peppa.

Candy Cat: Hello, Peppa.

Peppa Pig: Hello. I’m a little fairy princess.

Candy Cat: I’m a witch. And I’ve got a magic wand.

Peppa Pig: I’ve got a magic wand too.

Candy Cat: I can turn you into a frog.

Peppa Pig: And I’ll turn you into a frog.

George: Dinosaur. Grrr.

Narrator: Oh, dear. George is scared of his own reflection.

Mummy Pig: Oh, silly George. Look, it’s you in the mirror.

George: Grrr.

Mummy Pig: Children, it’s time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume.

Daddy Pig: We need a judge.

The Children: Me, me!

Daddy Pig: As it’s Peppa’s party, maybe she should be the judge.

Peppa Pig: I’m the judge, I’m the judge.

Peppa Pig: Daddy, what is a judge?

Daddy Pig: The judge decides who has the best costume.

Peppa Pig: Oh, goody!

Narrator: Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume.

Peppa Pig: Suzy, can I see your costume, please?

Suzy Sheep: I’m nurse Suzy. I make people better.

Peppa Pig: Very good, nurse Suzy.

Peppa Pig: Now Danny.

Danny Dog: I’m a pirate. Shiver me timbers.

Peppa Pig: Now Candy.

Candy Cat: I’m a witch. I can turn you into a frog.

Peppa Pig: Well, I’m a fairy princess, and I can turn you into a frog.

Mummy Pig: Children, children.

Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy.

Mummy Pig: Who’s next?

Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.

Peppa Pig: That’s funny.

Peppa Pig: And Rebecca.

Rebecca Rabbit: I’m a carrot.

Peppa Pig: Lovely.

Peppa Pig: And my little brother George is a scary dinosaur.

George: Grrr.

Peppa Pig: Everyone’s costume is very good.

The Children: Hurrah!

Mummy Pig: Now you say who the winner is.

Peppa Pig: Oh, yes. Ahem. And the winner is…me!

Mummy Pig: Peppa, you can’t pick yourself. You’re the judge.

Peppa Pig: Oh, can’t I?

Mummy Pig: You have to pick another winner.

Peppa Pig: Okay. The carrot wins.

The Children: Hurrah!

Rebecca Rabbit: Thank you.

Narrator: Peppa loves fancy dress parties.

Narrator: Everyone loves fancy dress parties.

Can you answer the questions?

1. What costume is Suzy Sheep wearing?

2. What is George scared of?

3. What do you have to do if you speak to a princess?

4. What does a nurse do?

5. What does the judge decide?


1. She is wearing a nurse’s costume.

2. He is scared of his own reflection in the mirror.

3. You must bow when you speak to a princess.

4. A nurse makes people better.

5. The judge decides who has the best costume.


fancy dress party













tettetés, játék



Shiver me timbers.

A teringettét! Kutyafáját!



to turn sy into sg

átváltoztatni valakit valamivé







to bow


Your Majesty


Open wide.

Nyisd ki nagyra a szádat!



to admire




Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Tükröm, tükröm, mondd meg nékem, ki a legszebb a vidéken?

magic wand




to decide




to make people better

meggyógyítani az embereket

to pick


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