Tudj meg mindent az emberi szívről, ebből az érdekes és rövid olvasmányból!
Here are 10 cool facts about the human heart.
The heart works so hard, and yet we all too often take it for granted. Well, it’s high time for a shout out.
Here are 10 facts about the vital organ.
Number 10. Your heart doesn’t stop when you sneeze. One’s soul isn’t expelled from the body at that time, either. Both are part of an ancient myth, the origins of which have proven difficult to trace.
Number 9. Broken hearts are physically possible. It’s said that emotional trauma can trigger the release of excess hormones. That surge is believed to cause the organ’s muscles to stop pulsing. It’s rare, but it does happen.
Number 8. The heart isn’t really on the left side of the chest. It’s actually in the middle, right between the lungs. There is a bit of a leftward tilt to it, though.
Number 7. Your heart can continue to beat without you. Upon removal, the organ will keep flexing if the oxygen supply is adequate, as it runs on its own electrical impulses.
Number 6. The heart is a tireless worker. Thanks to its unique muscular makeup it doesn’t need to stop and take a rest. It comes down to mitochondria, the cellular stuff that serves as an energy source. Arm and leg muscles have 1 to 2 percent of it, while the heart has up to 35.
Number 5. It moves to the rhythm. Studies show that the heart adjusts its rate according to the tempo and intensity of what’s playing.
Number 4. Two hearts can beat as one. Researchers have found that people in a relationship often times end up having similar heart and breathing rates. The scientists also tested people not romantically involved. Among that group no such synchronicity was observed.
Number 3. It doesn’t make those thumping sounds. That actually comes from the valves opening and closing. They’re kept busy around the clock controlling the flow of blood through the heart.
Number 2. Women’s are faster. The female heart beats more frequently than the male one does. This is due to its generally smaller size, requiring that it compensate for the amount of blood pushed with each pump.
Number 1. Cats are good for the heart. It’s a scientific fact. Studies show that people who’ve had feline companions are much less likely to die of a heart attack or cardiovascular diseases.
What do you think is the most interesting thing about the heart?
to take it for granted |
természetesnek tekinteni |
it’s high time |
ideje, hogy |
a shout-out |
nyilvános köszönetnyilvánítás |
vital |
életbevágóan fontos |
to expel |
kiűzni |
to trace |
kinyomozni |
to trigger |
kiváltani, előidézni |
release |
kibocsátás |
excess |
felesleg, túl sok |
surge |
hullám, roham |
muscle |
izom |
to pulse |
lüktetni, pulzálni |
chest |
mellkas |
lung |
tüdő |
tilt |
dőlés |
to flex |
izmot megfeszíteni |
oxygen supply |
oxigén ellátás |
tireless |
fáradhatatlan |
it comes down to |
valami miatt, valami okán |
mitochondrium |
mitokondrium, sejtszervecske az energia előállítására és annak elraktározására |
cellular |
sejt- (jelzőként) |
rate |
mérték, szám |
heart rate |
pulzusszám |
breathing rate |
légzésszám |
romantically involved |
szerelmes |
synchronicity |
együtt – egy ütemben – működés |
thumping |
dobogó, dörömbölő |
valve |
szelep |
around the clock |
folyamatosan |
require |
igényel, szükségessé tesz |
to compensate for something |
kárpótolni valamiért, kompenzálni |
feline |
macska (jelzőként) |
companion |
társ |
aheart attack |
szívroham |
cardiovascular diseases |
szív- és érrendszeri betegségek |