Letölthető tartalmak
Woman: Excuse me. How many more stops to the shopping centre?
Bus driver: Which one?
Woman: There is a shopping centre at Churchill Square, isn’t there?
Bus driver: Churchill Square? Yes, there is an enormous shopping centre.
Woman: How many more stops do I have to take to get there?
Bus driver: I’m afraid you’ve missed your stop!
Woman: Oh, no!
Bus driver: Don´t worry! Get off at the next stop and get a bus going back.
Woman: What’s the name of the next stop?
Bus driver: The next stop is St Peter’s Church. Get off, and take the bus with the route number 25 back to Churchill Square.
Woman: How many stops do I have to take?
Bus driver: Two stops. The second stop is Churchill Square.
Woman: Thanks a lot.
How many more stops to … ? – Még hány megállót kell mennem a …-ig?
Which one? – Melyik?
I’m afraid. – Attól tartok./Sajnálom.
You’ve missed your stop. – Túlment(él) a megállón.
Don’t worry! – Ne aggódj(on)!
Get off! – Szállj(on) le!
Take a bus back! – Fogj(on) egy buszt, és menjen vissza!
How many stops do I have to take? – Hány megállót kell mennem?
stop – megálló
shopping centre – bevásárlóközpont
square –tér
enormous – hatalmas
to get somewhere – eljutni valahova
to be afraid (of) – félni (valamitől)
to miss something – eltéveszteni valamit
route – útvonal