Great trick for bets. Learn how to relight a used match. Win beers showing this trick. This will amaze anyone watching. Easy to learn. Find this and more tricks on this web page:
You will need
* 1 Candle
* 1 Match
Step 1: Scenario
For this trick you will need a candle and a match. Damn, don’t you just hate people putting burned matches back in the box? Good thing I know a trick. I know how to restore a burnt match to a functional match.
Step 2: The Relighting Trick
Just rub on the wax on the candle, like this, and it should be able to light again. Yes, it worked! To make a match that looks like it has been burned, you start off by cutting some of the wood away at the top. This will make it look thin, just like a burned match.
Next step it to color the match black. Just use a black marker and there we have it, a burned out match. As you can see here, it almost looks like the real thing.
I am sure you can find many interesting ways of using this little trick as a bet or a gimmick at a party.
with the permission of Videojug
gimmick – ravasz trükk
antimony sulfide – antimonszulfid
potassium chlorate – káliumklorid
starch – keményítő
combustible – gyúlékony, éghető
A gyufa eredete
Different kinds of Matchsticks
There are numerous kinds of matchsticks available in the market. Foremost are the Friction matches, which were invented in the year 1827 by English chemist John Walker. The mixture of antimony sulfide, potassium chlorate, starch and gum was coated over the head of the matchstick. This kind of matchstick could be easily ignited by just striking on the hard surface.
Then the safety matches were invented, which are only ignited if stroked at specific places. They were invented in the year 1844 by Swede Gustaf Erik Pasch and almost a decade later was improved by John Edvard Lundstrom. These are regarded as safety matches only for the cause that the white phosphorous was replaced by the red phosphorous making it a little less combustible and more safe to handle.
Another of the kind is a noiseless matchstick, which was invented in the year 1836 by chemistry student Hungarian Janos Irinyi. He replaced potassium chlorate from he combustible mixture with lead dioxide and successfully formedmatchsticks, which did not produce any sound while lighting and burnt evenly throughout the stick.