Beagle Freedom Project

Szívszorító videó 72 embertelen körülmények között, laboratóriumi kísérletekre tartott kutyáról, akiket szerencsére megmentettek. A videó az első szabadon töltött perceiket mutatja be.

It is a story about 41 beagles that were rescued from a research lab in Spain. There were actually 72 of these beagles. Thirty-one of them were adopted in Europe and the remaining 41 were brought to Los Angeles via the Beagle Freedom Project.

Apparently, because of the beagle’s friendly and docile nature, the breed is a popular choice for research labs. The dogs in Spain, as with others used in research around the world, had lived their entire lives in cages without human or canine companionship. They’d never played with squeaky toys, chased balls or even touched grass.

to rescue– megment
research lab – kutató laboratórium
to adopt – befogad, örökbe fogad
apparently – látszólag
docile nature – kezelhető, tanulékony természet
breed– fajta
cage – ketrec
canine companionship – kutyatársaság
squeaky toy – csipogó játék
to chase – kerget