ANGOL LEVÉLÍRÁS: Hogyan írjunk köszönőlevelet?

A következő feladat megoldásmintával jól jöhet, ha angol levélírás a feladatod, és vendéglátást szeretnél megköszönni írásban.

Thanking for hospitality in a letter

Dear Mary and John,

Our sincere thanks for having us in your home when we attended the international relations conference last week. It gave us a chance to catch up on the news and get acquainted with your family. We especially enjoyed our evening conversations over dinner. I don’t think we’ll ever forget John’s funny stories.

We couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable time than we had with you. You have an ideal home and family. We are fortunate to have such wonderful, thoughtful friends. I hope we didn’t impose too much on your busy schedule. Please remember that you are always welcome to stay at our place when your travels bring you to England. Thanks again for your warm hospitality.


Delia and Peter

Tudsz hasonló levelet írni az alábbi adatokkal?

– vendéglátóitok: Susan és Leslie

– informatikai konferencián voltatok

– megismerkedtetek a lányukkal és az unokákkal

– jókat beszélgettetek ebédnél

– hálásak vagytok a vendéglátásért

– szívesen vendégül látjátok őket, ha Magyarországon járnak

– aláírás: Anne és Charles


Dear Susan and Leslie,

Our sincere thanks for having us in your home when we attended the IT conference last week. It gave us a chance to catch up on the news and get acquainted with your daughter and grandchildren. We especially enjoyed our conversations over lunch. I don’t think we’ll ever forget Leslie’s funny stories.

We couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable time than we had with you. You have an ideal home and family. We are fortunate to have such wonderful, thoughtful friends. I hope we didn’t impose too much on your busy schedule. Please remember that you are always welcome to stay at our place when your travels bring you to Hungary. Thanks again for your warm hospitality.


Anne and Charles

Nézd át velem az angol levélírás tudnivalóit ezzel az 1 epizódos videókurzussal (1 videó, 4 hanganyag, 2 kvíz, 1 pdf letöltés)


sincere thanks

őszinte köszönet

to attend

valamin részt venni

international relations

nemzetközi kapcsolatok

to catch up on something

behozni az elmaradást valamiben

to get acquainted with






to impose on

visszaélni valamivel

busy schedule

sűrű program, szoros időbeosztás



Kapcsolódó anyagok