Szobor a ‘Szívek Királynőjéről’


Szobor a ’Szívek Királynőjéről’, melyet fiai állítanak a Kensington Palota kertjében. Harry és William hercegek közös nyilatkozatban közölték, hogy a szobor felállításával emlékeznek meg édesanyjuk 60. születésnapjáról

Princes Harry and William Issue Rare Joint Statement About the Statue of Their Mother Princess Diana

At the start of 2017, the 20th anniversary year of Princess Diana’s death, Princes William and Harry announced that they had commissioned a statue to honour her legacy. And today the brothers provided an update on the statue saying that it will be installed in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace next year on what would have been their mother’s 60th birthday.

In a rare joint statement since the brothers decided to go their separate ways in their working lives, Kensington Palace issued the following message on behalf of the princes:

“The statue that Prince William and Prince Harry have commissioned to commemorate their mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, will be installed next year on what would have been her 60th birthday.

The statue was commissioned to mark the 20th anniversary of her death and recognize her positive impact in the UK and around the world.

The statue will be installed in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace on 1st July 2021, marking the Princess’s 60th birthday. The princes hope that the statue will help all those who visit Kensington Palace to reflect on their mother’s life and her legacy.”

It is understood that the design stages of the project have been progressing but installation has been delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The brothers announced towards the end of 2017 that they had chosen artist Ian Rank-Broadley to carry out the work. He is known for his effigy of the Queen which appears on UK and Commonwealth coinage since 1998.

“Ian is an extremely gifted sculptor and we know that he will create a fitting and lasting tribute to our mother,” the brothers said in a joint statement at the time.

source: by Victoria Murphy, Town&Country magazine

A cikk elolvasása után válaszolj az angol kérdésekre a szöveg alapján röviden, angolul.

1. What will happen in Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace next year?

2. How old would Princess Diana be next year?

3. Why was the statue commissioned?

4. How many years ago did Princess Diana die?

5. What do the Princes think the statue will make visitors do?

6. Why has the installation of the statue been delayed?

7. What other work is the sculptor of the statue known for?


1. a statue of Princess Diana will be installed
2. 60 years old
3. to mark the 20th anniversary of her death, her positive impact on the UK and the world and to honour her legacy
4. 20
5. it will make them reflect on Princess Diana’s life and legacy
6. because of COVID-19 pandemic
7. for his effigy of the Queen on UK and Commonwealth coinage since 1998


joint statement

közös közlemény/nyilatkozat

to reflect on




to commission

hivatalosan megbízni

to honour


to install


to issue


on behalf of sy

valaki nevében/helyett

to mark an anniversary

megemlékezni egy évfordulóról



to progress

folyamatban lenni, haladni

to be delayed

késleltetve lenni

to carry out






gifted sculptor

tehetséges szobrász



lasting tribute

maradandó megemlékezés

Kapcsolódó anyagok