Olympics opening ceremony to feature English countryside – Hallás utáni értés (alapfok)

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1) Many different types of animals will feature in the Olympics opening ceremony.
2) The stadium will be transformed into a seaside environment.
3)The director, Boyle is famous in the movie business.
4) Boyle enjoys working with the 1o,ooo volunteers.
5) 9oo children will help to ring Europe’s largest bell.

Olympics opening ceremony to feature English countryside with farm animals

Danny Boyle has revealed details about the London 2012 Olympics’ opening ceremony, which is to take a ‘Glastonbury meets the last night of the Proms’ theme – and feature farmyard animals. Work has begun on installation of the set for the opening scene of the ceremony, which is to be called ‘Green and Pleasant’. The Olympic stadium will be transformed into a British countryside environment, with scenes of picnics being staged by 10,000 volunteers in front of a landmark-laden backdrop that includes the Glastonbury Tor.

Up to 30 sheep, 12 horses, 10 chickens, 10 ducks, nine geese, three cows, three sheepdogs and two goats will also feature in the show along with music by British dance act Underworld. Serving as artistic director for the London 2012 opening ceremony, Boyle is best known for directing award-winning films such as Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours and Trainspotting.  He said the ceremony will be ‘elusive’, a ‘puzzle’ and that it will create ‘a picture of ourselves as a nation’.

Boyle has created roles for NHS nurses in the spectacle, saying: ‘The best way to tell that story is through working with real people. I’ve been astounded by the selfless dedication of the volunteers, they are the pure embodiment of the Olympic spirit and represent the best of who we are as a nation.’ Europe’s largest bell will also be rung in the stadium to open a Shakespeare-inspired segment which will feature 900 children.

source: metro.co.uk

Answers: 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-F